Thank you for purchasing ticket(s)!
We received notice from PayPal of your payment and have your information. Please print and save your PayPal receipt for your records. We look forward to seeing you on May 18th at Union Sushi & Steak in Southampton!
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NCC members contribute in a meaningful way to our community.
We are proud of our hamlet which is blessed with great people who enjoy Noyac’s magnificent bays, inlets, beaches, trails, sunsets, businesses, etc.
The NCC works very hard to help sustain and enhance the place we live and work, especially in the following areas:
Monthly Meetings with important guest speakers
Clean Drinking Water & Bays
Traffic Concerns
East Hampton Airport (KHTO) Noise & Safety
Sag Harbor School District Safety, Financial, Educational
Land Use
Safety, Sanitary & Beautification
Charitable Endeavors
Here are a few immediate ways you can take part in your community:
Attend our next meeting.
Like our Facebook Page and join our Facebook Group to connect and share thoughts with other NCC members.
Tell your neighbors about the NCC and ask them to join too!
Get in touch: Take our survey and give us feedback
Join us: Take our volunteer survey
We continue to work on efforts to facilitate and improve our communications by distributing newsletters, dues notices, etc. exclusively through email/MailChimp. We feel this is working well, but do appreciate your feedback if any issues or concerns arise.
The NCC Executive Committee