Marsden Prop defeated by 71 votes:
Yes - 1081 / No - 1152
All other props passed.
Pierson Middle/High School Gym, 7AM - 9PM
The NCC is making efforts to compile information on this page, adding most current at the top, as it becomes available. Please check back for updates.*
FYI Quick Links:
Visit the District’s Marsden Street Properties web page.
For an opposing view: Citizens of Sag Harbor Website
The NCC hopes everyone will inform themselves and evaluate the bond request accordingly.
*Information on this page is collected and provided with the intent to help our community become informed about this particular topic and may not necessarily reflect the views of the Noyac Civic Council.
Scroll down for more info and updates…
District Budget Hearing & Marsden Properties Forum
MOnday - May 8 at 6:30pm @ Pierson Auditorium
Both events will take place in the Pierson Auditorium and will be accessible remotely through Zoom
6:30 pm Budget Hearing and Board of Education Business Meeting
7:00 pm Community Forum #4 - Marsden Street Properties
in the news:
Q&A: Sag Harbor Superintendent Jeff Nichols on the Upcoming Marsden Vote, Sag Harbor Express, May 3, 2023
Deep Concerns on Marsden Street, Editorial, East Hampton Star, May 4, 2023
District Hosted Public Forum: Marsden Properties
Wednesday - April 26th at 6:30pm
at Pierson Auditorium
This will be a public forum addressing the proposed acquisition of the Marsden Street Properties.
Bond Referendum info to be included in SHUFSD Annual Budget Vote on Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Click here to read the District Election Legal Notice.
The school has decided not to pursue CPF funds and is asking for the public to vote on May 16 for the full $9.425 MM to purchase the Marsden properties:
$3,425,000 (withdrawn from the “Facilities Improvement Capital Reserve Fund”)
+ $6MM (new tax)
+ interest (to be paid in the form of a “BAN” loan; interest only is paid for a few years before paying back principal which shows less tax upfront, but more in later years.)
The school is not including any development costs in the upcoming vote.
opposing views:
Citizens of Sag Harbor Website
We urge everyone to vote on May 16.
Absentee ballot requests must be received AFTER April 15 but BEFORE May 9. Click here to download the absentee ballot request form.
Absentee ballot requests must be received by either the:
District Clerk at Pierson Middle/High School, 200 Jermain Avenue, Sag Harbor
Substitute District Clerk, at Sag Harbor Learning Center, 135 Division Street, Sag Harbor
To vote for the first time or to change your voting address: Click here to download voter register form Eligibility requirements are printed at the top of the form. Return the form to the Suffolk County Board of Elections at the address printed on it. This form must be received by the Board of Elections no later than May 6 if you wish to vote on May 16.
votE May 16th at Pierson Middle/High School Gym 7AM - 9PM
Public Hearing Notice
Convening of Adjourned Feb 28th Hearing
Tuesday, MARCH 14th • 1PM • Southampton Town Hall or via zoom
“Public Hearing on the Acquisition of Development Rights at 7, 9, 11, 12 and 15 Marsden Street, Sag Harbor, and to Amend the Community Preservation Project Plan to Include 15 Marsden Street, and Amend CPF Management and Stewardship Plan to Include Properties” (originating document)
Check the Town Planning Board meeting portal for instructions on how to attend or send public comment.
27 East editors and reporters discuss the many aspects and issues on the Marsden properties purchase proposal.
Updated cost estimates and projections as noted at the hearing:
5 lots totaling approx. 4 acres
Total purchase price of lots = $9,325,000
Cost/acre = $2,332,250 ; Avg. Cost/lot = $1,865,000
Capital improvement estimate = $6,700,000
Maintenance costs = unknown
Total projected Marsden project cost = ~ > $16 Million
Total projected MaSHASHIMUET project cost = ???
SHUFSD is looking to go to the public for 2 bond votes with the budget vote May 16th:
1. Renovation costs for Mashashimuet Park
2. Capital improvement costs for Marsden Properties
Southampton Town Board Adjourns Public Hearing on Marsden to March 14, 1pm
Read Sag Harbor Express Article, March 1, 2023
Review proposed SHUFSD Budget 2023-2024
Public Hearing Notice
Tuesday, February 28th • 6PM • Southampton Town Hall or via zoom
“Public Hearing on the Acquisition of Development Rights at 7, 9, 11, 12 and 15 Marsden Street, Sag Harbor, and to Amend the Community Preservation Project Plan to Include 15 Marsden Street, and Amend CPF Management and Stewardship Plan to Include Properties” (ref. Feb 28 meeting agenda p3)
Check the Town Planning Board meeting portal for instructions on how to attend or send public comment.
As of February 24, the public has not seen Sag Harbor School District’s plan to satisfy the Town’s terms and conditions (shown in letter below).
Dear Members,
In the NCC's February 2023 newsletter a survey was offered regarding the use of CPF funds for the Marsden St. properties. The goal was for the NCC to get a sense of where our community stands on this issue, gather thoughts, and gauge our involvement in the matter. The info gathered was to also help with discussion at our upcoming meeting.
While our intention was to hear primarily from NCC members and taxpayers in the SHUFSD, the survey was shared to people within the district, and also beyond the district, and taken multiple times within a family skewing fair and balanced results of property taxpayers.
We regret we did not formulate the survey in such a way that allows for proper dissemination of the data and therefore the NCC has stopped the survey and discarded the data.
We want to thank everyone who took the time to submit the survey fairly and provide honest and helpful comments.
letter from Town Southampton CPF to SHUFSD BOE outlining terms and conditions for purchase of Development rights offer on the Marsden Lots.
Discussion on these terms can be viewed by clicking the 2nd forum video button below.
2nd Community Forum of SHUFSD
January 25th, 2023 at 6:30 PM at Pierson library and zoom. For more info and zoom link visit:
The following info was sent via the District Parent Square app:
January 18, 2023
Dear Sag Harbor Schools Community:
The second of a series of community forums addressing the development of the Marsden Street properties will take place on Wednesday, January 25, from 6:30 to 8:00 pm in the Pierson library. For those residents unable to attend, the meeting can be accessed using the Zoom link below.
Passcode: 232423
The meeting will address:
A review of 100% natural grass and 91% natural grass surfaces
A review of bathroom and comfort station designs
Parking surface and related lighting considerations
Following the informational presentations, there will be a question and answer session.
I look forward to seeing you on January 25.
Jeff Nichols
Superintendent of Schools
1st Community Forum
The NCC has been asked to share the following information from Sag Harbor Schools Superintendent Jeff Nichols… Click the letter below to link to a PDF that was emailed out via the district app and posted to the school website. The letter includes a zoom link to attend remotely.
The results of the school district vote addressing Proposition #1- Purchase of Marsden Properties, are as follows: Yes - 638; No - 521
The Marsden lots purchase is contingent on using $6 million from Southampton Town Community Preservation Funds (CPF), and the balance of funds coming from the District's capital reserves. The Town Board has not yet voted on the use of these CPF monies.
The letter below was sent to district families from Superintendent Nichols regarding Marsden properties. The NCC looks forward to seeing how the School will be planning community outreach. The letter was sent to District families that have the “parent square” app - will these forums be advertised to the greater community as well?
Special School District Vote
– Marsden Properties –
at Pierson High School Gym • 7am - 9pm
Residents have raised questions about the Marsden Street proposition including access to public information and the school’s apparent plan to use artificial turf for the proposed field.
The NCC has compiled information and presented below. Information is updated as it becomes available. Please study the issue and cast your ballot on November 3 at Pierson Middle-High School. NOTE this is 5 days before the statewide election November 8.
To find out how to get an Absentee Ballot for the Nov. 3 vote visit the district’s Marsden information page.
Proposed properties for Pierson Athletic Complex (27 East).
On Nov. 3, the community will be asked to vote on whether the Sag Harbor School District can use public funds to purchase five acres of woodlands for approximately $10 million (current estimate is $9,325,000 including closing costs) in the historic district, with the stated aim of developing sports facilities. However, the cost of the proposed sports complex and parking lot has not been disclosed.
Plans have not been fully communicated to the public and concerns have been raised as the School District requests taxpayer money for this land acquisition. Also unknown is the $13M suspended plan to participate in design and financing in the redevelopment of Mashashimuet Park.
The Marsden lots would be purchased using $6 million from Southampton Town Community Preservation Funds, and the balance of funds coming from the District's capital reserves.
After the school district received numerous inquiries and questions about this ballot proposition, a letter and FAQ document was distributed through the district’s “parent square” app and can now be accessed on the district website.
PLEASE NOTE: The District Marsden page seems to be getting updated on daily basis. The District has not sent notice of this vote to all district voters via USPS mail.
Please consider the following:
The total costs of this project have not been fully disclosed including:
- proposed development of athletic field and parking lot with EV charging stations,
- redefined plan for Mashashimuet park,
- maintenance including staffing, equipment, etc., for new athletic field(s)This property been shown to collect stormwater.
CPF funds are typically designated for preserving our natural environment and water quality; how does this purchase fit CPF parameters if the goal is to develop the property? By law, the Town must have public hearings and vote in public before any CPF contract is agreed and signed.
The school appears to be considering or has committed to use of artificial turf which was previously overwhelmingly rejected by the Sag Harbor community, who voted against artificial turf by 10 to 1 in 2016.
Developers previously could not obtain permits to build large 6000 sf homes on these properties.
There have been no public hearings to date explaining this use of CPF, taxpayer, or School District funds including the total cost of all the related projects as noted above. A member-only PTSA meeting was held on Oct 25 and opened to the public a couple days prior for viewing online. Click here to view recording.
The vote will be held Thursday, NOV. 3rd
at Pierson High School
from 7am – 9 pm
Reference Articles:
Oct. 6: of 10/16/22, there is no reference to a "Public Hearing" on the Southampton Town Board agenda for the CPF acquisition of the lots as referenced in article(s).
The school district finally shared details on the plan in a letter dated Oct. 19th. Click here for District letter including their architect’s rendering (photo below).
Proposed athletic complex rendering from School District letter, Oct. 19, 2022.
Please read SHUFSD’s response to some of our questions:
(Received 10/26/22)
Q. What are total projected costs including development of athletic field, redefined plan for Mashashimuet park, maintenance including staffing, equipment, for new athletic field(s), etc.?
A. The total cost of the proposed purchase of the Marsden lots is $9,325,000. The school district contribution is $3,325,000 (includes $50,000 for settlement costs) and the CPF contribution is $6,000,000. The park renovation vote scheduled for September 29, was postponed in order to provide time for the district and the park board to discuss possible revisions to the renovation plan due to the proposed acquisition of the Marsden lots. The initial estimate was $13,500,000. It is possible that the plan will be scaled down, thus resulting in a lower amount. An equipment impact estimate is premature as the district does not know the field design or the surface at this point. Staffing levels are anticipated to remain stable.
Q. How will the wetlands be mitigated? This property has significant wetlands, collecting significant rain water that runs directly into our watershed. Current woodlands aid in filtering stormwater runoff.
A.There are no wetlands on the property. The Phase I study and the SEQRA determination is posted on the district website. Our architects will address stormwater runoff in the design process.
Q. CPF funds are designated for preserving our natural environment and water quality; how does this purchase fit CPF parameters if the property will be developed?
A. The school district received confirmation from the CPF program manager that the Town Board of the Town of Southampton authorized a $6,000,000 contribution towards the purchase. Specific questions should be directed towards the CPF.
Q. Why does the school appear to be considering or has committed to use of artificial turf which was previously overwhelmingly rejected by the Sag Harbor community, who voted against artificial turf by 10 to 1 in a 2016?
A. The school has not committed to artificial turf or natural grass. The vote on November 3 is for the purpose of authorizing the school district to access $3,325,000 in order to purchase the Marsden lots.
Q. Developers previously could not obtain permits to build on these properties. So what is the REAL value? Zillow assesses the 5 properties at $5.64M so why the offer of $9.275? If this property could not be developed previously, why would the school be able to develop it?
A. The value of the property is based on appraisals conducted by the Town of Southampton
Q. Why has the Town not moved forward on a public hearing on this CPF purchase? How can you be confident they will work with the School on this purchase?
A. See answer #3. If the Town Board of the Town of Southampton does not vote to approve the $6,000,000 contribution, the $3,325,000 will not be removed from the reserve fund as part of the proposed acquisition.
Q. Is synthetic turf is on the table? I hear that this time, the school district won’t ask the community for a vote. Is it true that the school will acquire the lots and then won’t need to ask for capital expenditures for turf because it’s baked into the broader plan of H2M, the “architect” whose renderings are shown in the district letter - who made a pro bono offer to Sag Harbor to lay this astroturf for free, so will the school NOT require another vote to use astroturf?
A. The field surface has not been decided. If the November 3 vote is positive and the district acquires the lots, the school district intends to conduct multiple outreach efforts in order to gain community feedback regarding the field design and surface. This feedback will inform a bond that will require a public vote. H2M is not providing any “pro bono” services.
*Information on this page is collected and provided with the intent to help our community become informed about this particular topic and may not necessarily reflect the views of the Noyac Civic Council.