Discussions on Noyac Road and Our Bays
Police Chief Steve Skrynecki will discuss Noyac Rd. issues.
Town Trustees Ann Welker and Scott Horowitz will discuss water quality, keeping our bays clean, flooding, erosion of our beaches and other concerns.
Introducing our 2021 Scholarship winners: Brooke Esposito, Rachel McKelvey and Vivienne Witty
Please email any questions for our guests to NoyacCivic@optimum.net before the meeting.
Meeting ID: 831 0202 6766
Passcode: 616601
Time: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Please email any questions to NoyacCivic@optimum.net before the meeting.
1. Meeting called to order. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call. 4. Welcome and acknowledgement of guests. 5. Treasurer’s Report. 6. Minutes- May meeting. 7. Old Business. 8. New Business 9. Motion to adjourn.
New Business:
Victory for our Water! State Appellate Court Sides Against Sand Land Mine.
On Thursday, May 27, the NYS Appellate Division of the Supreme Court annulled the 2019 DEC permit allowing the Sand Land Mine to dig deeper (and closer to our aquifer) and to expand horizontally. The Court ruled that the DEC overstepped its authority in granting a permit. The DEC ignored the Town’s zoning laws and the authority to protect its drinking water when the DEC issued this 2019 permit. The DEC cannot supersede the Town. Now we wait for the Town to take enforcement action.
Many thanks to those who were instrumental in bringing about this overwhelming appellate court ruling against the NYS DEC’s continued permitting of the Sand Land mine. Notably, Noyac’s many residents joined the NCC, Group for the East End, Citizens’ Campaign for the Environment, the Southampton Town Civic Coalition,
Assemblyman Fred Thiele, Legislator Bridget Fleming, and many more in advocating for our quality of life issues. View the Town’s press release, and newspaper articles by clicking here.
The NCC is Trying to Keep its Members Informed About Development Projects in Noyac.
The Planning Board’s agendas may be viewed on the Town’s Website, Southamptontownny.gov, through the “Town Clerk Portal Agendas/Minutes” link in the left hand column of the Town’s Home Page or through the “Town Clerk’s Citizen Portal” Southamptonny.iqm2.com/citizens/.
• 3398 Noyac Road: (4.3 acres) on market for potential development needing variances - no plans to date
• 3310 Noyac Road: (2.489 acres) Burke, Hamlet of Noyack, SCTM No. 900-14-1-66.5, (A. Trezza) Condo Subdivision Plan Public Comment Period Now Underway To learn more, watch: Planning Board Meeting Video of Public Hearing (http://southamptonny.iqm2.com/Citizens/SplitView.aspx?Mode=Video&MeetingID=7009&Format=Agenda) (@44:27) To comment, click the yellow “Public Comment” button on this page: http://southamptonny.iqm2.com/Citizens/default.aspx.
A proposed density incentive subdivision/multi-family development to create a total of thirteen (13) dwelling units, two (2) of which will be community benefit units, to be located in multi-family manor houses, on a 2.489 acre tract currently improved with a single-family residence, situated in the Hamlet Commercial (HC), Aquifer Protection Overlay District and NYS Archaeological Sensitive Area, located at 3310 Noyack Road, Noyac, SCTM# 900-14-1-66.5. “Within 45 days of the close of the Public Hearing, [the Town] will have a Pre-Application Report prepared for the Planning Board, which will identify all of the issues that need to be addressed. The report will also include any comments received by the public as well as the other regulatory agencies, who have been sent copies of the application and plans. Click links for copies of the aerial and the applicant’s preferred plan, which is a manor house plan.”Aircraft Noise Returns to Disrupt the Peace on Memorial Day Weekend.
Aircraft volume in and out of East Hampton Airport has returned to prepandemic levels. Quality of life in Noyac is being significantly damaged. An update will be provided at the June 8th meeting on what NCC members can do to help support improvements.
It is now apparent that Noyac is almost the exclusive approach to the airport. This is not an accident. Pilots associations are betting it is in their best interest to shelter East Hampton residents at much as possible. We need our elected officials to speak up and demand change. The silence from SH Town Hall is disgraceful.
John Arendt, Marguerite Basti, James and Tomoe Croak, Chuck Neuman, and Ellie Thompson participated in the Great East End Clean Up on May 15. Circle Beach, Trout Pond and Noyac Rd. look a whole lot cleaner because of the efforts of these NCC members. Thank you for your participation and care for our community.
Thank You to Those Who Have Paid Your Membership Dues.
The NCC advocates for our community – we need and value our members. Please renew your membership today and support your civic council! Visit our website to pay online.