Great East End Clean Up with NCC
9:00 AM09:00

Great East End Clean Up with NCC

Please join the NCC to help clean up our hamlet along Noyac Road and Long Beach.

Meet at Trout Pond at 9am, 4/26. We will distribute garbage bags, pics, and safety vests to our volunteers. Protect yourself from ticks. The Town will supply a garbage truck.

Teams will disperse throughout Noyac and meet back at the Old Noyac Schoolhouse at 11:30 am for lunch provided by the NCC. Please RSVP so we can order ahead.

High school students receive community service credit!

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NCC Meeting: February 12, 2025
7:00 PM19:00

NCC Meeting: February 12, 2025

  • Old Noyac Schoolhouse & via Zoom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


  • Suffolk County Legislator Ann Welker

  • Highway Superintendent Charles McArdle

  • Town Councilman Michael Iasilli

Guests will explain how the County and Town will work together on safety improvements at the Long Beach/Noyac Road “traffic circle,” in addition to an overview of the Town's plans and timeframes for Noyac Road projects (i.e. paving, sidewalks, circles, drainage, etc.). 

NCC meetings are open to the public - bring your friends and neighbors!

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MJ Dowlings’ Children’s Christmas Party
11:00 AM11:00

MJ Dowlings’ Children’s Christmas Party

Parents/supervising adults are asked to bring a small surprise wrapped gift for their child and upon entering, secretly give it to an “elf” who will take the gift to Santa who will enter the party with a bag full of gifts to surprise the children with!*   

The Dowlings supply an amazing festive spread of food and soft drinks for the party. We are blessed to have generous merchants like the Dowlings hosting this annual treasured event for the children of Noyac! 

Thank you Mike & Betty Dowling!

*The NCC supports and contributes to this childrens’ event.  

4-5 Elf Volunteers are Needed to Assist Santa! 

Please call Elena to volunteer.

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NCC Meeting: Nov 13 2024; Dawgpatch Bandits, Swearing in NCC Officers
7:00 PM19:00

NCC Meeting: Nov 13 2024; Dawgpatch Bandits, Swearing in NCC Officers

  • Old Noyac Schoolhouse & via Zoom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Guest: Drew Harvey

Dawgpatch Bandits, Inc 

As mentioned at our October meeting, Dawgpatch Bandits, Inc., has donated a fitness area at Long Beach. The Town has approved the project and we are hoping to see it installed in the next few months.

The NCC is delighted to have the organization’s president, Drew Harvey, here to give the Noyac community a brief presentation/talk about the Long Beach project and what Dawgpatch is all about. 

Click here to visit Dawgpatch Bandits’ website

The NCC thinks this will be a great addition to promote fitness and quality of life at Long Beach and would like to say a big THANK YOU to Dawgpatch Bandits and all who are contributing their time, resources, and efforts to this effort!

Swearing in of Newly Elected NCC Officers

Guest: Hon. Judge Burke

President: Peggy Gallagher
1st VP: Diane Hewett
2nd VP: John Arendt
Treasurer: Dan Zuchelli
Corresponding Secretary: Matt Burns
Recording Secretary: Vivianne Kurzweil
Sergeant-at-Arms: Deb Skinner
Trustees: Sharon Bakes, Marilyn Downes, Renee Forys, Victoria Kirk, John Kirrane
President Emeritus: Elena Loreto

Open Discussion

Please come with your questions, ideas, etc.

After our guest’s presentation, the floor will be opened to a members’ discussion about current priorities for Noyac.

What would you like for future meetings? Please come share your ideas for meetings, community concerns, and discuss plans for 2025.

NCC meetings are open to the public - bring your friends and neighbors!

Meeting ID: 822 9752 8155 • Passcode: 041371

One tap mobile
+16469313860,,82297528155#,,,,*041371# US
+16465588656,,82297528155#,,,,*041371# US (New York)

Dial by your location • +1 646 931 3860 US • +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

For more items of interest:

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NCC Meeting: Oct 9, 2024; Meet the Candidates
7:00 PM19:00

NCC Meeting: Oct 9, 2024; Meet the Candidates

  • Old Noyac Schoolhouse & via Zoom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please come with your questions and ideas.

Candidate’s names are linked to their websites.

Meet the Candidates 

Voters will be asked to choose the following candidates on November 5th. The NCC has invited them to our October 9th meeting to introduce themselves, inform our members and community about their ideas, and tell us what they want to do if elected. Each candidates will have 15 minutes to introduce themselves, inform the audience about their ideas, and tell us what they want to do if elected. Candidates (marked with *) have committed to attend.

US Congress:

John Avlon (D) (surrogate: Ann Welker*)
Nick LaLota (R)* - incumbent

NYS Assembly:

Tommy John Schiavoni (D)*
Stephen Kiely (R)*

NYS Senate:

Sarah Anker (D) (surrogate*)
Sen. Anthony Palumbo (R) - incumbent

2024 NCC Officer Elections

President: Peggy Gallagher
1st VP: Diane Hewett
2nd VP: John Arendt
Treasurer: Dan Zuchelli
Corresponding Secretary: Matt Burns
Recording Secretary: Vivianne Kurzweil
Sergeant-at-Arms: Deb Skinner
Trustees: Sharon Bakes, Marilyn Downes, Renee Forys, Victoria Kirk, John Kirrane
President Emeritus: Elena Loreto

Meeting ID: 857 0136 2918
Passcode: 362999

One tap mobile -
+16465588656,,85701362918#,,,,*362999# US (New York)
+16469313860,,85701362918#,,,,*362999# US

Dial by your location -
• +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

Items of Interest

Don’t Forget to Flip the Ballot!

Get Informed About the Propositions in the November 5th General Election

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NCC Meeting: Sep 18, 2024; Noyac Road Pedestrian Enhancements Plan
7:00 PM19:00

NCC Meeting: Sep 18, 2024; Noyac Road Pedestrian Enhancements Plan


Councilman Tommy John Schiavoni


Noyac Road Pedestrian Enhancements Plan

Councilman Schiavoni will provide an update on the plan with the Noyac community.

Plans have been engineered and were discussed in Town work session. The project is said to have approx. $4MM through a grant, State and Town funds. 

Proposed sidewalks would start at the south side of Trout Pond, cross over at Cromers (with crossing light) and meet up with existing sidewalk past Serene Green. Part of the design has some problem intersections/areas in focus such as Jimmy Jims, curve at Serene Green which are being addressed. 

Read 27East Article: Southampton Town Seeks $5 Million Grant for Pedestrian Improvements on Noyac Road

View More info on the NCC Noyac Road plan, Check out our Survey Summary + Comments at: “NCC’s Action Items”

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Thank You Long Beach Staff Breakfast
10:00 AM10:00

Thank You Long Beach Staff Breakfast

On Sunday morning, August 3, NCC will be treating the staff at Long Beach to a bagel breakfast. It’s our way of saying thank you to the Southampton Town Parks and Recreation Department for continuing to make improvements at Long Beach. It is truly a great asset to our community. Please join us and if you’re going to Long Beach that day, say thanks to the parking attendants and life guards and let them know you belong to NCC.  

It will be a fun morning with a vibrant group who are essential to the safety of our community.  Many thanks to NCC trustee John Kirrane for spearheading this event!

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NCC Meeting: June 12, 2024; Town Supervisor
7:00 PM19:00

NCC Meeting: June 12, 2024; Town Supervisor


Southampton Town Supervisor Maria Moore


Meet our new Supervisor and discuss issues affecting Noyac

We are pleased to introduce our new Town Supervisor to the residents of Noyac. Maria Moore has a reputation of getting things done. The NCC will make a positive impression for Noyac as we call to her attention issues we are facing. Come join the discussion.

Topics for Discussion

  • Stormwater Runoff to the Bays -incl. flooding and erosion problems at Circle beach, Bittersweet Lane, Long Beach, etc.

  • Long Beach - plan for restoring and improving native planting, clarity of signage and enforcement of beach rules

  • Noyac Road and the Sidewalk Plan - traffic issues & safety on Noyac Road

  • EH Airport Flight Patterns - noise pollution 

  • Trout Pond - aquatic invasive weed mitigation 

  • Sand Land Mine - potential illegal operations and aquifer contamination

  • Our Bays and Aquifer - Pesticide usage, over-clearing, over-development 

Special Proclamation @ 7 PM

NYS Assemblyman Fred Thiele, Jr. will present the NCC with a Proclamation from New York State. We hope you will join us for this honor celebrating seventy years of community service.  

Please contact us to send in questions prior to the meeting.


Thank you to the Town for recent improvements to the Noyac Schoolhouse, including wifi! We are now able to offer functional zoom access for those who cannot attend in person.

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NCC Meeting: MAY 7, 2024; SHUFSD Budget
7:00 PM19:00

NCC Meeting: MAY 7, 2024; SHUFSD Budget

Sag Harbor School District Budget and Bond Presentations/Discussion




Our school district administrators will present the district budget for 2024-2025 and answer questions from the floor.

The entire budget will also be reviewed at the May 13th BOE meeting, 6:30 PM at Pierson Library or via Zoom – meeting link will available on the District website.

For questions email District Clerk Mary Adamczyk or call (631) 725-5300 ext.411.

On May 21st, residents will be asked to vote on the school district budget and bond propositions. Click the buttons below for more information:

In-person voting on May 21 takes place at Pierson Middle/High School Gym typically from 7AM - 9PM.

The only candidates running for the Board are Jordana Sobey and Ryan Winter.  Both are current Board members whose terms expire on June 30th.

VOTE on May 21st, 2024

Annual Budget Vote and Board of Education Election

@ Pierson High School Gym

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NCC Meeting: Apr 10, 2024; Noyac Sidewalks Plan
7:00 PM19:00

NCC Meeting: Apr 10, 2024; Noyac Sidewalks Plan


Councilman Tommy John Schiavoni


Noyac Sidewalks Plan

Councilman Schiavoni has been working on to install sidewalks along Noyac Road and would like to share details with the Noyac community. Plans have been engineered and were discussed in Town work session. The project is said to be funded through a grant, State and Town funds. 

Proposed sidewalks would start at the south side of Trout Pond, cross over at Cromers (with crossing light) and meet up with existing sidewalk past Serene Green. Part of the design has some problem intersections/areas in focus such as Jimmy Jims, curve at Serene Green which are being addressed. 

Read 27East Article: Southampton Town Seeks $5 Million Grant for Pedestrian Improvements on Noyac Road

*This is an in-person meeting, but we are attempting to offer a zoom call-in option with audio only, due to the limited bandwidth at the Schoolhouse. If you cannot attend in person, and wish to listen in via zoom, click the link below. 

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NCC Meeting: Mar 20, 2024; Suf. Co. Legislator  & Southampton Town Trustees
7:00 PM19:00

NCC Meeting: Mar 20, 2024; Suf. Co. Legislator & Southampton Town Trustees


County Legislator Ann Welker, and SH Town Trustees (Scott Horowitz*, Ed Warner, Rich Maran*,  Joe McLoughlin, Matthew Parsons)


Please join us to meet newly elected Legislator Ann Welker. She will tell us what will she be working on since she has stepped into her new role. We will also meet and hear from our Town Trustees Scott Horowitz snd Rich Maran and follow up on current issues.

There will be time for questions and discussion.

*Trustees available for meeting.

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MJ Dowlings’ Children’s Christmas Party
11:00 AM11:00

MJ Dowlings’ Children’s Christmas Party

Parents/supervising adults are asked to bring a small surprise wrapped gift for their child and upon entering, secretly give it to an “elf” who will take the gift to Santa who will enter the party with a bag full of gifts to surprise the children with!*   

The Dowlings supply an amazing festive spread of food and soft drinks for the party. We are blessed to have generous merchants like the Dowlings hosting this annual treasured event for the children of Noyac! 

Thank you Mike & Betty Dowling!

*The NCC supports and contributes to this childrens’ event.  

4-5 Elf Volunteers are Needed to Assist Santa! 

Please call Elena to volunteer.

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