Please come with your questions and ideas.
Candidate’s names are linked to their websites.
Meet the Candidates
Voters will be asked to choose the following candidates on November 5th. The NCC has invited them to our October 9th meeting to introduce themselves, inform our members and community about their ideas, and tell us what they want to do if elected. Each candidates will have 15 minutes to introduce themselves, inform the audience about their ideas, and tell us what they want to do if elected. Candidates (marked with *) have committed to attend.
US Congress:
John Avlon (D) (surrogate: Ann Welker*)
Nick LaLota (R)* - incumbent
NYS Assembly:
Tommy John Schiavoni (D)*
Stephen Kiely (R)*
NYS Senate:
Sarah Anker (D) (surrogate*)
Sen. Anthony Palumbo (R) - incumbent
2024 NCC Officer Elections
President: Peggy Gallagher
1st VP: Diane Hewett
2nd VP: John Arendt
Treasurer: Dan Zuchelli
Corresponding Secretary: Matt Burns
Recording Secretary: Vivianne Kurzweil
Sergeant-at-Arms: Deb Skinner
Trustees: Sharon Bakes, Marilyn Downes, Renee Forys, Victoria Kirk, John Kirrane
President Emeritus: Elena Loreto
Meeting ID: 857 0136 2918
Passcode: 362999
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