Jennifer Buscemi
Sag Harbor School District Business Administrator
Jeff Nichols
Sag Harbor School District Superintendent
Mr. Nichols and Ms. Buscemi will present the Sag Harbor School District's proposed 2022-2023 budget. Virtually 70% of your property taxes pay for our schools. Click here to review the budget, and bring your questions to the meeting.
Click Here for District links to view the budget2022-23 School Budget Presentation
2022-2023 Proposed Sag Harbor Schools Budget: $45,993,327
Property Tax Levy Limit – 2.73%
Projected Tax Levy Increase–2.50%
Projected Tax Levy – $41,333,873
Tax Levy UNDER the Levy Limit - $94,435
Budget to Budget Increase – 2.50% or $1,121,788
Note: Proposition #2: Use of Capital Reserve Fund for Districtwide HVAC Unit Ventilator Upgrades: Details: Shall the Board of Education of the Sag Harbor Union Free School District be authorized to undertake certain capital improvements consisting of HVAC Unit Ventilator upgrades at the Sag Harbor Elementary School and the Pierson Middle/High School all at a maximum aggregate cost of $2.5 Million Dollars ($2,500,000) and to appropriate and expend such amount from the Facilities Improvement Capital Reserve Fund, which was previously established following approval of the proposition by the voters of the School Districts on May 18, 2021? The use of the Capital Reserve Fund for the HVAC project WILL NOT have an impact on the 2022-23 school district budget or tax levy.
Some questions we have are:
Is the district prepared for how inflation will affect salaries and benefits next year (the largest costs in the budget)?
Did the District receive COVID relief money and how/where was it spent? Were any funds used for HVAC upgrades mentioned as needed in Prop #2?
Can the District provide a budget comparison of actual expenditures to proposed budget? (Seeing this comparison will help prevent over budgeting from compounding over time.)
How does SHUFSD expense and student ratios compare to neighboring schools (Easthampton, Bridgehampton and Southampton)? For example expense per student, student/teacher ratios.
Budget Vote and BOE Election: Tuesday, May 17, 2022, in the Pierson High School Gym; 7:00 am – 9:00 pm
Questions? Send us an email.
Note: We are working with the Town to get our meetings back in person soon. We would like to provide a hybrid method, but the schoolhouse doesn't have wifi. If you have ideas and can help with this type of setup, please contact us. Meanwhile, if you have any questions on how to use Zoom, please contact us or click here for a video tutorial.
NCC Scholarship Applications
Due by May 19!
Please see our website ( under Action Items) for the details. The scholarship is open to any immediate family member seeking higher education. This could be used for college, vocational school, professional studies and graduate degrees.
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Spring Leaf Pick Up
Begins April 18 through May 23
Click here for the Town's Announcement
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Great East End Clean Up!
Saturday, April 23 • 9 AM
Lunch provided after!
Meet at Trout Pond at 9AM. Teams disperse and cover different sections of Noyac Road. The NCC supplies safety vests, picks and garbage bags and even lunch for our hard workers! Last year we worked along Noyac Rd. from Long Beach to almost Rawson Estates for about 2 hours. Community service credit will be given to students.
Please sign up by April 18: Call or Email Elena so we can be sure to have enough supplies and pre-order lunch: 631-725-3304
Thank you for cleaning up our neighborhood! It makes a difference!
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Aircraft Noise Reporting Update
As you may know the Town of East Hampton will be closing and then reopening the Airport as a Private use Airport (Call Letters: “JPX”) subject to Prior Permission Required (PPR) restrictions beginning on May 19, 2022. The impact of these restrictions will be analyzed through the summer season as part of the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) required for this change.
It has been made clear that complaint data will be very important part of this analysis. Many of you have been submitting complaints for many years and may frankly be tired of doing so but the Town will now have the ability to make significant changes to how the Airport operates. Certainly, other areas that may see an uptick in volume caused by these changes will be energized to complain vociferously.
Please click HERE to learn more about the 3 main systems that you can use to submit a complaint about airport noise.
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Thank You Long Beach Planting Volunteers!
The volunteers who participated in the April 2, Long Beach Restoration project are truly inspiring. Approximately 35 adults and Pierson students did an outstanding job of planting native grasses and shrubs with the mentoring of the Cornell Cooperative Extension Marine Division experts. The goal was to begin an environmentally sustainable project that will protect the beloved park for generations. Here is an example of the fabulous tasks that can accomplished when the Southampton Town and private individuals work together. This event, on a freezing cold day, confirms the love residents have for this recreational jewel.
Many thanks to the volunteers, Pierson's Environmental Club, Cornell Cooperative Extension experts (Steve Schott, Kim Manzo, Jason Havelin and the team), Kristen Doulos Parks and Recreation Director, Trustee Ann Welker, Councilman Tommy John Schiavoni and Councilman Rick Martel for joining in this important and fun activity.
Learn more at and check out photos on our Facebook page! The NCC developed proposals for further areas of concern and hopes that the Town will follow up with a comprehensive plan that will address the all of Long Beach. The NCC will meet with Town officials to continue these efforts.
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Our Members Enhance the Noyac Community
THANK YOU to those who paid 2022 dues!
Please ask your neighbors if they are NCC members. The more members we have, the better our voice in Town Hall to advocate for Noyac's quality of life.
If you have not yet renewed, please click here to pay today!
The NCC executive committee works hard to advocate for Noyac — membership is needed to sustain operations, and is an easy/affordable way to enhance the place you live.
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We Want to Hear From You!
Please take our survey!
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Work with Us!
Work with a great group of people and help the community at the same time!
Click the button below to get in touch.