Our Drinking Water
Jason Hime
Principal Public Health Engineer, Suffolk County Dept. of Health Services
Scott Strom
a Lead Hydrogeologist at Suffolk County Water Authority
Tommy John Schiavoni
Southampton Town Councilman
The water source for all of us in Suffolk County comes from the groundwater beneath our feet (the aquifer). Join us for presentations by these experts concerning our drinking water supply, quality, and access; the problems we face, how to have your well water tested, and what is being done to protect clean, healthy drinking water.
Reference links:
SCDHS Office of Water Resources
Suffolk County Water Authority
Private Well Test Packet and Application (PDF)
Polluters Pay Bill (see below for Express article); EH Star Article
Click here to email any questions for discussion before the meeting.
NCC Members in good standing will have first priority in asking questions at the zoom meeting.
Presentation form SCDHS in PDF format:
Presentation form SCWA in PDF format:
SCWA asked the NCC to share their mailer card with our members, pictured above.
NCC met w/ SHUFSD re: Pierson “Prank”
Members of the Noyac Civic Council Executive Committee met with Superintendent Jeff Nichols to discuss vandalism done by 48 Pierson HS Senior students on June 13 on school property.
Mr. Nichols informed the group that students broke into the high school and were inside between at 11:30 PM - 1:30AM. The school was breached in 3 places. Students scaled walls and entered through the courtyard, 2 windows were left propped open at ground level for 2nd and 3rd wave of student entry. Damages (cited around ~$300) included excessive littering, obscene graffiti, destruction of school property, and stuffing an American Flag into a toilet.
The event was recorded on security tapes and the students were identified: 23 kids in AC damaged room, 25 on roof, 11-12 students took 6ft pole with American flag and shoved it in the toilet.
Alarms went off but security thought the motion detectors were malfunctioning. (on the night students are camping out on Pierson hill??) Police surveilled the area, never entered the school and quickly left.
The NCC asked Mr. Nichols, “What if a student had fallen off the roof? What if someone were assaulted? Was alcohol involved? Is this how the students were taught to treat the American flag? The students were given in-school suspension where they had to report to school and watch movies for 3 days. Mr. Nichols said he counseled the students during suspension.
As a result of this meeting, NCC President Elena Loreto spoke at the July 11 BOE meeting impressing upon the BOE that “we are urging the BOE to make positive changes so this never happens again” and are offering the District the following ideas to address student civic integrity:
Increase community service hours at SHUFSD needed to graduate from 10hrs/4 years to 10 hrs/year. Extend to Middle school (2-4 hrs/year)
Each year review the code of conduct (last updated 2018)- and have students sign it along with their parents. Click here to read current “code of conduct.“
Add into curriculum and review principles of character. Reinforce with annual peer/faculty/admin reviews.
The NCC offered to work with the District in developing a civics curriculum with the Veteran’s Organizations so the students realize and respect the sacrifices American Veterans have made for our country.
The NCC is happy that the District is reviewing and updating the security in all the school buildings and ask: what are the security goals of the district? We are hoping to see a clear engagement letter to have a 3rd-party security audit to address security deficiencies, including deliverable and expectations, more clearly defined with timeframes for report, etc.
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New Leaf Blower Restrictions
From Town Councilman Tommy John Schiavoni:
Gas-powered leaf blowers.
Notwithstanding any provision herein to the contrary, the following restrictions shall apply to the use of gas-powered leaf blowers:
Gas-powered leaf blowers shall not be used/operated within the unincorporated portions of the Town of Southampton from May 20 through and including September 20.
Gas-powered leaf blowers may be used/operated within the unincorporated portions of the Town of Southampton from September 21 through and including May 19 are subject to the following restrictions, and shall otherwise be in conformance with all restrictions regulating homeowner's light residential outdoor equipment as set forth in § 235-3 (Noise standards) herein:
(a) Operation and use shall only be between 8:00 a.m. through 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. Saturdays, and there will be no use permitted on Sundays or federal holidays, all to be in addition to the following:
(b) Walk-behind gas-powered leaf blowers may not be used unless the property that is being cleaned is greater than 1/2 acre.
(c) No more than a total of two gas-powered handheld or backpack leaf blowers may be used at a time, unless the property that is being cleaned is greater than 1/2 acre.
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Water Legislation - “Polluters Pay Bill”
An article in the Sag Harbor Express states that “the State Legislature has adopted a package of bills designed to hold water polluters financially accountable and to increase and protect access to the water supply.”
Assemblyman Fred Thiele, Jr. will join us at our July meeting to discuss these bills and how they can protect our drinking water.
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Notice of Public Hearing on Cannabis
July 12 • 1 PM
The NCC has been notified of another important Public Hearing to put on your calendar:
Proposed legislation on amending various sections of the Town Code in connection with retail cannabis dispensaries and on-site cannabis consumption establishments within the Town of Southampton.
From Town Councilwoman Cyndi McNamara:
As you may know, NY has legalized recreational marijuana use, cultivation and sale in the state. Local municipalities were given the choice to opt-out of allowing marijuana dispensaries and consumption sites.
All of the incorporated villages within the Town of Southampton held public hearings and chose to opt-out.
Southampton Town did not. We are now tasked with putting zoning in place to dictate where they can and cannot be placed.
There will be a public hearing on Tuesday, July12th at 1PM at Southampton Town Hall as well as via Zoom to hear those for and against the proposed zoning which will govern where these sites are permitted.
The proposed legislation, sponsored by Supervisor Schneiderman, as written, would allow dispensaries in every Village Business district in every hamlet in the Town of Southampton. Downtown Hampton Bays, Main Street in East Quogue, Riverside, Speonk, Bridgehampton, Water Mill, North Sea…you all have allowable locations under the proposed legislation.
I want to make sure that everyone both for and against are heard on this very important matter. Please come and speak on July 12th or send your written comments to townclerk@southamptontownny.gov
The Notice of Public Hearing with the proposed legislation can be found here.
Click here to view video recording of meeting.
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NCC Officers Elections
The Election of NCC Officers will take place at our September meeting.
Do you have an interest in participating in the operations of the Noyac Civic Council? Please consider running for a Trustee position. For more information on the duties of the NCC Executive committee please visit noyac.org/constitution-bylaws.
Contact NCC President Elena Loreto for more info.
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Membership Drive Mailing: Be on the lookout for this postcard in your mailbox. If you are already a member, kindly pass along the card to a friend or neighbor and encourage them to join the NCC!