7:00 - 7:15 PM
Our meeting will begin with an update about recent happenings and a recap of our meeting with Councilman Tommy John Schiavoni. We will then have the opportunity to hear from the following candidates. We hope you will join us!
Meet the Candidates
7:15 - 7:35 PM
Peter Ganley
Candidate for NYS Assembly
7:40 - 8:00 PM
Assemblyman Fred Thiele, Jr.
Candidate for NYS Assembly
8:05 - 8:25 PM
Leg. Bridget Fleming
Congressional Candidate
8:30 - 8:50 PM
Nick LaLota
Congressional Candidate
Each candidate will address the membership individually, explain why they are running for office, and what they wish to achieve if elected. This is not a debate.
Please VOTE on Tuesday, November 8
Or you may participate in Early voting Oct. 29-Nov. 6.
See full sample ballot HERE
Rest in Peace Chief
The Noyac Civic Council is saddened by the recent news of Southampton Police Chief, Steven Skrynecki. He was an amazing man and public servant. Words cannot express how much we appreciated and will miss him.
Trout Pond Clean-Up
The Noyac Civic Council makes a difference in our community.
On September 24th, the Noyac Civic Council once again stepped up to the plate. Our organization joined the Town of Southamton's Parks & Rec. Department and Councilman Tommy John Schiavoni to clean up Trout Pond’s invasive species Cabomba caroliniana that is choking the life of the pond.
A number of Noyac residents endured a cold but beautiful morning to rake the invasive plants, pile the plants on shore, and assist Town employees to cart the plants to a dumpster. Many thanks to these participants: Matt Burns, Joanne Ulrich, John Kirrane, Blair Seagram, Diane Hewett, Kevin Dehler, Chuck Neuman, Alison Sneed, Kristen Doulos (Dir. of Parks & Recreation), Councilman Tommy John Schiavoni, and the many Parks and Rec. employees who assisted us. As a precaution, Parks and Recreation even supplied a lifeguard by the name of River. SunTV 20 was there, too, and has some great footage of the entire operation. The Town will be planning another 2 events in the spring to help control the weeds for the summer season. More volunteers will be needed again at that time. Stay tuned and contact us if you would like to be alerted to these events. Click here to read the article in 27 East.
NCC Meets with Councilman Schiavoni
Members of the Executive Committee met with Councilman Schiavoni at a Town Hall meeting to encourage the Town to protect Noyac’s interests. The topics discussed were:
Noyac Rd:
lack of enforcement; intersections of Noyac Rd. at Long Beach and at the Serene Green Farmstand; absence of crosswalks and stop signs, easements to make Noyac Rd. pedestrian friendly.
More radar monitoring devices have been installed.
Storm water runoff—drainage to the bay.
There is a proposal to install sidewalks along Noyac Rd. with County funds: Cromer’s to Long Beach; Cromer’s to Trout Pond; Long Beach to Sag Harbor Village’s sidewalks.
We are looking to the County to also pay for bike lanes.
Suffolk County apparently told Councilman Schiavoni that it never heard of traffic problems at Noyac Rd/Long Beach circle. The Councilman encouraged Noyac residents to complain to our County representative (Bridget Fleming).
Trout Pond clean-up of invasive species. Plans are underway to continue the invasive plant removal in spring 2023.
EH Airport and low flying planes... A judge put a stay to closing the Airport.
Long Beach: Continued efforts to plant beach grasses, improve bathrooms, improve dunes between road and beach, picnic tables, repave road are all in the works.
Old Noyac Schoolhouse: We need improved internet connection for groups that meet there.
Baypoint and the Noyac Hamlet. What are the districts that make up Noyac—Fire, school, and election districts? Councilman Schiavoni offered to show us the delineations in a presentation at a later meeting.
Cell Towers: The Town has 3 RFP’s to install cell towers. This will not be settled for a while.
The Exec. Committee will continue the dialogue with Councilman Schiavoni at another date in the near future.
Thank you and welcome...
to our new members who signed up at Harbor Fest! It was great meeting all of you and seeing and talking with our community throughout the weekend! We look forward to engaging you on issues related to Noyac.
Congratulations to our 50/50 raffle winner, Isabel Peters! Over $500 was raised for NCC Scholarship Fund. THANK YOU to all who participated!
Cannabis Dispensaries & On-Site Cannabis Consumption Establishments
Town Public Hearing: October 11, 2022 (1pm)
An NCC representative attended the hearing and reported back that the Town Council voted to close the public hearings on Cannabis Dispensaries until NYS develops guidelines. This could take until 2023.
For additional information, please contact the legislation sponsor, Supervisor Schneiderman (631-283-6055) or the Department of Land Management (631-702-1800).
Click here for statement from Kym Laube, Executive Director, HUGS, Inc. Ms. Laube is a drug counselor addressing Southampton’s decision to allow cannabis dispenseries.
NCC Officers’ Swearing-In
The swearing in of NCC Officers will take place at our November meeting.
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