SHUFSD Mashashimuet Park Proposal;
Presentation and discussion of $13.5M proposition / bond to raise funds to re-design the Park’s athletic fields – Vote on Sept. 29
Please scroll down for more info…
Sag Harbor Schools Superintendent Jeff Nichols and Business Administrator Jennifer Buscemi
Mashashimuet Park Board Members
NCC Officers Election will take place at the September meeting.
Do you have an interest in participating in the operations of the Noyac Civic Council? For more information on the duties of the NCC Executive committee please visit Contact NCC President Elena Loreto for more info.
Please review info/links below regarding SHUFSD/Mashashimuet Park proposal:
Mashashimuet Park Bond Referendum- VOTE Sept 29th at the High School gym between 7 am and 9 pm.
SHUFSD Mashashimuet Park Improvement Project Cost Presentation – July 11, 2022
Request for response letter from Sag Harbor Residents and Sag Harbor School Parents Group to BOE:
Sag Harbor Residents and Sag Harbor School Parents Group presented a letter at the August 29th Board of Education meeting. The NCC will be asking the District and Park Board to address these questions at our Sept. 8th meeting.
Answer to Question #5 in above letter: 2021-2022 ATHLETICS ENROLLMENT.
The public is awaiting answers to the remaining 6 questions.
SHUFSD is hosting a public forum on Sept. 15th. Click here to read 27East article. We hope the District will publicize this forum freely and clearly on their website.
Notice of Town Board Meeting/Public Hearing: October 11, 2022 (1pm):
Public Hearing on Cannabis Dispensaries & On-Site Cannabis Consumption Establishments
Update on Pierson Vandalism…
School District working with NCC and Veterans:
SHUFSD Superintendent Mr. Nichols has arranged for three Pierson social studies teachers to meet with several members of the American Legion. The focus of the professional development day will be to create curriculum enrichment opportunities for our students. The school district has also contacted the VFW in the hopes of collaborating with them as well. As discussed over the summer with the NCC, the school district will send out a letter to the students during the spring reviewing the code of conduct as it pertains to senior class activities, noting that violations will result in referral to law enforcement. The NCC has offered to work with the Veterans and the District in order to decrease the likelihood that vandalism and disrespectful conduct occurs in the future.
Trout Pond Invasive Plant Clean Up Planned
Marty Shea, Chief Environmental Analyst, and Councilman Tommy John Schiavoni have secured the permits to allow the Town to clean up the invasive plant species Cabomba that has invaded Trout Pond. Volunteers are needed to participate in this important event. (The clean-up date will be announced soon.) Save our Pond!
East Hampton Airport
The EH Town Board continues to pursue flight controls in order to restore peace and quiet over the East End. We ask our members to stay actively engaged in securing a resolution. In addition to filing noise complaints, letters to the editors of local papers and emails to our elected officials are encouraged.
The NCC wants to return to in-person meetings.
In fact, we are looking into setting up hybrid in-person/zoom meetings at the Old Noyac Schoolhouse. In order to facilitate this, we have been working with Councilman Schiavoni to get Optimum and the Town to improve the internet service there. This on-going project will take some time, but we are confident that this will evolve. In the meantime, our October 13 in-person/zoom meeting will take place at the John Jermain Library. Details to follow.
Come visit us at HarborFest!
Sept. 10-11, Long Wharf
September 10-11, Long Wharf, Sag Harbor. Meet NCC officers and members! Sign up for membership! Join or start a committee! We can’t wait to see you! For more info visit
NCC Officers Elections at Sept. Meeting
Contact us to get involved!
Membership Drive
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