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April Meeting 2019

  • Old Noyac Schoolhouse 3010 Noyac Road Sag Harbor, NY, 11963 United States (map)

Sag Harbor School District Budget Presentation


  • Katy Graves - Sag Harbor UFSD Superintendent

  • Dr. Philip Kenter - Sag Harbor UFSD Business Administrator

The NCC works to promote quality education with fiscal responsibility for our community. The following questions are presented for your consideration:

The District overtaxed by $1 Million last year. What is the point of over-taxing and putting the money into reserves? Was that money spent? If so where?

How has academic achievement improved since last year? What test scores are considered in this evaluation?

What are the long-term anticipated financial obligations of the proposed positions to the District? What productivity gains, if any, have been identified by the proposed additions?

  • Proposed hiring of 5 Lead Teachers $7500/teacher

  • MS Principal $158,000 salary

  • Athletic Director/Wellness and PE Teacher $150,500

  • Other proposed personnel: District Clerk $59,696

  • 3 Communications Build. Reps $4,000 each per year

  • Administrator (School Maintenance Crew Leader A.K.A. Assistant Plant Facilities) $118,000

What are the job descriptions and duties of the “Lead Teachers”?

Why are the proposed transportation costs increasing by 2.05%?

  • What are the long term projections for transportation costs?

  • Is the purchase of an SUV included in this budget?

What is the adult staff (teachers, assistants, counselors, adminisrators, monitors) to student ratio?

What is the average class size per grade for the past year, this year and next year? Is there a minimum class size for courses in the MS and HS?

Why is the cost per pupil increasing as the enrollment is decreasing:

  • Current 2018-19 Per Pupil costs = $45,033 = ($41,880,896 / 930 students)

  • The 2017-18 Cost Per Pupil = $41,660

  • What is the projected cost Per Pupil for the 2019-2020 school year? If enrollment stays the same, it would be $46,672.

Why is there a 5.97% increase in spending for instruction? What is the projected increase for the entire teachers’ contract?

Where did the $1.4 million come from that was spent for Stella Maris renovations?

Why is there a $1.13 million (a 3.9% increase ) for special education?

What are the projected costs of hiring a Middle School principal?

  • Does this include any added benefits, etc?

  • What is the proposed restructuring between MS and HS principal(s) duties and salaries?

How does the District substantiate a 43% increase in tuition students and a 58% increase in shared services?

Where is the athletic field costs and savings (due to the Bridge Golf Course’s donated work) listed in the proposed Budget?

Explain the handling of the District’s fund balance:

  • The District has chosen to use $581,182 of the available June 30 2018 unassigned fund balance to partially fund the 2018-2019 approved operating budget.

  • Was the June 30, 2018 unassigned fund balance educed by this amount in the current budget?

How do you explain budget increases of $1.5-2 million each year? What is the plan to help reduce costs?

FYI Enrollment K-12 Data for previous years:

  • June 2018 - 930

  • 2016/17 - 941

  • 2015/16 - 959

  • 2014/15 - 990

  • 2013/14 - 1028

  • 2012/13 - 1024

Sag Harbor Schools budget year to year.

Sag Harbor Schools budget totals

Items of Interest

  • Do you want to run for the Board of Education? Nominating Petitions due to the District Clerk Apr 22 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
    There will be three open seats on the Board of Education for the upcoming election. The School Budget Vote and Election is on Tuesday, May 21, 2019. To be placed on the official ballot you must have a nominating petition, with at least 25 eligible signatures, to the District Clerk by the deadline of Monday, April 22, 2019 at 5:00 PM. Nominating petitions can be picked up in the District Clerk's office during office hours, or they can be obtained on the district's website.
    What does a School Board Member do? Here are some helpful links:

  • Great East End Cleanup is May 4th! Please join the NCC to help clean up our hamlet along Noyac Road and Long Beach. We supply lunch to all who participate with the NCC. Students will receive service credit.

  • DEC's settlement with Sand Land...Continue sending letters!
    • Tell the Town Board to Demand a Public Hearing
    Flood the DEC (and every elected official) with comments
    • Tell Southampton Town Board that they need to legally challenge the settlement.
    • Read Assemblyman Fred Thiele’s statement here.

  • The NCC Scholarship for adult and young adult members seeking higher education. Deadline: May 17, 2018. Click here for details

Be a part of your community — Help the NCC!

Here are some ideas to get involved….

  • Run for an NCC Executive Committee office: Next election will be June, 2018.

  • Serve on a commmittee; i.e. Membership: assist with database, dues invoicing, etc. Contact Us for more info

Earlier Event: March 12
Meeting: March 12, 2019
Later Event: May 14
Meeting: May 14, 2019