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June Meeting 2018

  • Old Noyac Schoolhouse 3010 Noyac Road Sag Harbor, NY, 11963 United States (map)

Scholarship Winners, Powering Noyac, NCC Officer Elections


2018 Scholarship winners with members of the NCC Executive Committee.

  • Phoebe Bennett and Zebulun Kinney
    Meet the NCC 2018 Scholarship winners.
  • Dan Malesardi
    NYS Department of Public Service, will discuss oversight of PSEG-LI operations, customer service practices and rights, new energy goals, electric rates, preparation and response to storms and customer complaint resolutions.
  • Jeff Sander
    Mayor of North Haven, will discuss the possibility of burying the power lines along Long Beach.
    A representative will discuss what is involved in setting up a taxing district to pay for burying the power lines.

Items of Interest

  1. Election of NCC Officers and Trustees:   See back of page. 
  2. NEXT MEETING: JULY 10—Steve Woloschin, Tech Expert. Cut the Cord on Cable TV.  What are the alternatives to paying high cable bills? 
  3. AUGUST 21 MEETING: NYS Assemblyman Fred Thiele, Jr. and Suffolk County Legislator Bridget Fleming. Protecting our Water.

Nominations for NCC Officers and Trustees

Office’s for Election:

President: Elena Loreto  

1st Vice President: Janet Verneuille

2nd Vice President: Diane Hewett

Recording Secretary: Sharon Bakes

Corresponding Secretary: Matt Burns

Treasurer: John Arendt

Sergeant-At-Arms: Elfriede Winkle

John Anderson
Marilyn Downes
Robin Smith
Rob Schneider (pending)

Nominations may be accepted from the floor.

Earlier Event: May 18
DUE DATE for NCC Scholarship
Later Event: July 10
July Meeting 2018