The NCC has compiled the following resources on protecting our bays and the health of our waters.
Get your well water tested:
Suffolk County Department of Health Services provides sampling and analytical services for testing drinking water supplies in Suffolk County. Your drinking water can be analyzed for microbiological quality, inorganic chemical content, volatile organic compounds, petroleum products and certain pesticides. Click the button below for more info, forms, and fees.
Representatives from Surfrider Foundation Blue Water Task Force (BWTF) Eastern Long Island Chapter and Southampton Town Trustees presented at the NCC July 12, 2023 meeting. Images/links below are resources shared at the meeting. Click here for more info on our guests.
Click to view the Blue Water Task Force NCC Presentation 7/12/23 - PDF
Suffolk County Water Quality Restoration Act Fact Sheet
Learn more about the Water Quality Restoration Act on the 2023 general election ballot. Attend a hearing at 2:30pm on July 25 in Smithtown to demand a vote for a clean water future.
East End Septic Incentive Program
Learn more about upgrading your septic system to improve local water quality.
Landscaping and “Bayscaping”
The hypothetical image of prairie plants profile by Conservation Research Institute, Heidi Natura ©1995, illustrates how native plants’ root structure is more beneficial and extensive than turfgrass (at far left). To learn more or purchase prints, visit: