May 2023 Update:
EAST HAMPTON AIRPORT ALERT: November Route reopening proposed
Reopening of the dreaded November Route was proposed at the May 16 East Hampton Town Board Meeting. This change will effectively bring all helicopter traffic back over the residents of Southampton Town stating as early as this weekend. In the attached video you will hear the speaker say the priority is to “alleviate noise from East Hampton as much as possible.”
It is absolutely outrageous to make Southampton residents the victims of an airport we neither own nor control. That is why the Noyac Civic Council fought hard to have the November Route closed before last summer.
You can make a difference by sending emails and calling elected officials and demand that the November Route remain closed. Please speak up now before the onslaught of helicopter noise and pollution descends on Sag Harbor Village and the Hamlets of Noyac, North Sea, Bridgehampton, Water Mill and Hampton Bays.
Southampton Town Supervisor Jay Schneiderman
631-283-6055Southampton Town Councilman Tommy John Schiavoni
631-287-5745East Hampton Town Supervisor Peter Van Scoyoc
631-324-4140East Hampton Town Deputy Supervisor Kathee Burke Gonzalez
631-324-3187East Hampton Airport Manager Jim Brundige
631-537-1130 x 7501
Above is a clip of the East Hampton Town Board Work Session on May16, 2023. Click here to view full meeting. Fast forward to the airport issue starting at 1:00:45.
March 2023 Update:
Ways to submit complaints:
The major issue with this is that if the button is purchased, it will identify any aircraft in the vicinity including those which may be headed to or from destinations other than EH Airport. That results in complaints from the Airport staff, who contend that we are filing false complaints!
Verify that the noise is coming from an aircraft using KJPX (the new code identifier which replaced KHTO) by viewing one of the tracking apps:
As you may know the Town of East Hampton will be closing and then reopening the Airport as a Private use Airport (Call Letters: “JPX”) subject to Prior Permission Required (PPR) restrictions beginning on May 19, 2022. The impact of these restrictions will be analyzed through the summer season as part of the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) required for this change. It has been made clear that complaint data will be very important part of this analysis. Many of you have been submitting complaints for many years and may frankly be tired of doing so but the Town will now have the ability to make significant changes to how the Airport operates. Certainly, other areas that may see an uptick in volume caused by these changes will be energized to complain vociferously.
February 18, 2020
A meeting to bring together ERHC member operators, community members, FAA, airport managers and elected officials to discuss helicopter noise abatement procedures for the upcoming Summer of 2020.
We hope to see you there and look forward to your active participation. Please register using the button below. In the meantime, should you have any questions or require additional information, please email
No media will be allowed inside the meeting room.
February 3, 2020
Last week was a busy one for the airport stakeholders. A luncheon was held on Thursday at Rowdy Hall hosted by Sag Harbor Express Sessions.
Sold out crowd included aviation community, but seemed to be outnumbered by the noise impacted and environmentalists. Patricia Currie (Noyac resident) was among the 7 panelists. She represented the “Say No to KHTO“ group and she did an excellent job advocating for airport closure/repurposing. Also in attendance were representatives from Sound Aviation (aircraft servicing and fueling at KHTO; owned by Noyac resident Steve Tuma) and Shoreline Aviation (seaplane operator from out of town that flies here). Elected officials included Jeff Bragman (East Hampton Town Council) and Mark Wooley (a representative from Lee Zeldin’s office who is among the impacted on North Fork). Noticeably absent, in spite of being invited, was any representative from the helicopter companies. Their absence was mentioned several times as evidence they have no intention of ever improving the current situation. Kobe Bryant helicopter crash was only mentioned briefly and as respectfully as possible.
Overall the 80 people in attendance were civil to all on the panel. The one exception was toward the end when a pilot accused Jeff Bragman of advocating airport closure. In fact, Jeff did an outstanding job explaining details on several options for improvement that need to be assessed, including closure.
Sound Aviation distributed the postcard shown above that claims to be the proposed routes for the 2020 season to try to reduce noise.