Invasive Weed Cleanups:
June 15, 2024 • 9 AM
It was another successful day pulling out invasives from Trout Pond. Trout Pond is a Noyac gem - let’s keep it beautiful! Many thanks to all the volunteers: NCC members Matt Burns, Debbie Skinner, Nick Maurantonio, Joe and Leo Tremblay, Blair Seagram, John Kirrane, Bridget Kirrane and a special thanks to Town Councilmen Michael Iasilli and Tommy John Schiavoni and Derryl Baumer, Assistant Town Parks Director, and his staff Brendan and Will for supporting us with this effort!
Join Southampton Town Councilman Tommy John Schiavoni and the Parks & Recreation Department for a spring clean-up at Trout Pond.
Volunteers are invited to assist with the removal of the invasive cabomba weed from the pond using manual raking methods from in and around the shore. Volunteers are encouraged to wear gloves, and be prepared to get a little dirty!
Tools are limited so if you have a large rake, or skimmer nets, please bring them with you. Rakes should be outfitted with floatation devices or rope so that they can be retrieved easily.
This event will be similar to past cleanups. Click here to read 27 East Article of an event.
Some volunteers brought and used their kayaks and some wore wet suits. This event was successful in eliminating invasive plants. Stay as long as you can.
The Noyac Civic Council will give Community Service for students who participate.
October 14, 2023 • 9 AM
Volunteers are asked to join the Town of Southampton’s Parks & Rec. Department and Councilman Tommy John Schiavoni to help clean up Trout Pond’s invasive species, Cabomba caroliniana, that is overtaking the pond. This event will be similar to the last cleanup done in September 2022. Click here to learn more.
The Parks & Recreation Dept. will supply rakes to pull up the invasive plants and dispose of them. Kayaks are helpful along with rakes and gloves if you have them. Some volunteers wore wet suits as well. This event was very successful in eliminating invasive plants. Stay as long as you can.
Community Service hours given to students who participate.
May 13, 2023 8am-12pm
Join with the Town of Southampton’s Parks & Rec. Department and Councilman Tommy John Schiavoni to help clean up invasive species (Cabomba caroliniana) at Trout Pond.
On Saturday, May 13, six Noyac Civic Council members once again showed their interest in protecting our precious environment by raking the invasive plants that have been over taking Trout Pond. Councilman Tommy John Schiavoni and Director of Parks and Recreation Kristen Doulos organized the clean up of invasive Cabomba and Milfoil that have been choking the pond. Volunteers raked the heavy invasive plants and piled them on shore. Town employees of the Parks and Recreation Department carted the heavy weeds to a dumpster to dry out. Some of the volunteers used kayaks and surf boards to drag the large rakes toward the middle of the pond. Last September NCC volunteers made a dent in clearing the pond and plan to do so again on June 17. The Noyac community proudly thanks these volunteers. Trout Pond is a loved by many who enjoy swimming, fishing, and snorkeling.
Parks & Rec explains the species of concern: Cabomba caroliniana and Milfoil are invasive plant species overtaking Trout Pond.
The Noyac Civic Council stepped up to help our community’s precious resources. Our organization joined the Town of Southampton Parks & Rec. Department and our Councilman Tommy John Schiavoni to clean up an invasive species (Cabomba caroliniana) that is overtaking Trout Pond.
A number of Noyac residents endured a cold but beautiful September morning to rake and pull the invasive plants, pile them on shore, and assist Town employees in carting the weed to a dumpster to dry out.
Many of us got soaking wet as we used large rakes to pull and pile the weeds onto our kayaks, into a dinghy, then haul into the wheelbarrows. Sounds like fun??? Actually it was fun to be together with caring community members and make a difference. Many of us love to swim and snorkle in Trout Pond so it was rewarding.
Thanks to these participants: Matt Burns, Joanne Ulrich, John Kirrane, Blair Seagram, Diane Hewett, Kevin Dehler, Chuck Neuman, Alison Sneed, Kristen Doulos (Dir. of Parks & Recreation), Councilman Tommy John Schiavoni, Elena Loreto, and the many Parks & Rec. employees who assisted us. As a precaution, Parks & Rec. even supplied a lifeguard. SunTV 20 was there too and has some great footage of the entire operation. We will post a link once the video is released.
This attempt was a temporary first try as Town reps determine future mitigation. Additional cleanup events are planed for May and June, 2023.