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September Meeting

  • old noyac schoolhouse 3010 Noyac Road Sag Harbor, NY, 11963 United States (map)

GUESTS – Candidates for Southampton Town Supervisor and Highway Superintendent
Supervisor:  Jay Schneiderman and Ray Overton
Highway Superintendent: Lance Aldrich and Alex Gregor

Candidates will have 20 minutes to address our members individually and will answer questions from the floor. This is not a debate. We ask that cell phones/recording devices be turned off during the meeting.

Meeting Recap:

Thank you to the candidates and all who came out for this meeting. The NCC is committed to providing important information to our community.

This list was provided by Alex Gregor and shown at the meeting.

The NCC provides a personal setting to hear from, and speak with, your candidates. We hope you continue to attend these important and informative meetings. This is your very local opportunity to hear from the individuals who represent our community.

Meeting Minutes will be posted as soon as possible.

Please be reminded we are in need of help at the executive level and with various duties. Here's a list with some ideas for how you can help:

  • Lining up speakers for monthly meetings — Do you have suggestions for November and December? Contact: Chuck Neuman – 631-988-8139
  • Content gatherer for web updates — Submit any news updates/important announcements concerning Noyac for posting on the website, Facebook page, and/or Facebook Group. Contact
  • Committee manager — Check in with committee liaison and get updates to share with the membership Committees, liasons, and committee goals:
    • Long Beach, cleanup, signage, safety issues, etc.; Contact: Carolyn Kirrane
    • Noyac Beautification; landscaping at Cromers/Whalebone and Long Beach circle, repainting “Welcome to Noyac” posts.
    • Noyac Road, and local streets; i.e. Report pools of water that accumulate after rain storms – Mosquito/West Nile Virus breeding grounds. Stay in contact with Sup’t of Highways.
    • Education; attend BOE meetings, provide updates
    • Environment (water quality... bays and wells, Sandland updates, Windmill farms)
    • Business Promotion/NCC discounts, solicit and update current list; Contact: Janet Verneuille
    • Membership. Assist with database, dues invoicing, etc.; Contact: Chuck Neuman: 631-988-8139
    • Holiday Dinner Dance, gifts and raffle prizes solicitations; Contact: Janet Verneuille
  • Meetings photos — guest speakers, etc.; Share via Contact
  • Attend Town Civics/CAC, Planning Board, Conservation Board Meetings — Maintain dialogue with Town/County/other elected and appointed officials. Attend Town meetings and report at NCC meetings.
  • Run for an NCC Executive Committee office. Elections will be held June 2018
  • Current “hot” topics: Septic systems, Wind Farm, Airport Noise, SandLand, CPF, …
Earlier Event: July 11
July Meeting
Later Event: October 10
October Meeting 2017