Candidates for Southampton Town Trustee
Incumbents: Ed Warner, Scott Horowitz, Bruce Stafford, Bill Pell
Challengers: Donald Law, Gary Glanz, Ron Fisher, Ann Welker
Candidates will have 10 minutes to address our members individually. This is not a debate. We ask that cell phones/recording devices be turned off during the meeting.
Items of Interest
Coming Soon! — Annual Holiday Dinner Dance — Saturday, November 18, 2017
3 Course Dinner • 2 Hour Open Bar • DJ • Dancing • Door prizes. Bring your friends and reserve a table.
Tickets $75/person (Includes tax and gratuity. The NCC subsides a portion of the ticket price.)
Purchase at The Whalebone General Store. Purchase tickets early! – This event usually sells out!
• Help with the Dinner Dance! Submit Donations/Prizes or help to solicit prizes/ticket sales. Please contact an NCC Executive Committee Member to donate! We will also need help the evening of: setup, check in, raffle...
• Sand Land — Supreme Court Judge Joseph Santorelli ruled in favor of the Health Department. The NCC continues to look out for our quality of life. The following letter has been sent to the entire Town Council of Southampton and Town Attorney James Burke, by NCC President, Elena Loreto. Please review it and send letters yourself, as well. The more people that speak to an issue, the better our voices are heard!
Dear Town Council, Town Attorney and Suffolk County Health Commissioner Tomarken:
The Noyac Civic Council is very grateful for all the help and attention you have given to the Sand Land Mine issue. With the recent decision by the State Supreme Court, it is time to act. Here is a very recent video of the processing of waste at Sand Land: .
There are additional recent pictures of dumping construction debris and vegetative waste, and the making of mulch and topsoil, despite Sand Land’s protestations and affidavits that this is not happening. Newsday’s commentsabout these activities being discontinued are inaccurate.
This is Sand Land’s busy season. How much longer is this illegal activity going to be tolerated as our aquifer could be subjected to MORE POLLUTION. Isn’t it easier to stop the possible pollution rather than have to possibly clean up more pollution? Why wait any longer to enforce the TRO and install the test wells? The water we drink could be subjected to more pollution the longer this takes. Please take some action ASAP.
• Preservation of the wetlands at 38 Bay Avenue — If you are interested in helping to preserve this fragile piece of Noyac Bay wetlands please contact Barbara Hosking (, 28 Bay Ave.
• Report airport noise online: Made possible by the efforts of the Airport Noise Advisory Committee, which includes Councilwoman Christine Scalera & NCC Members Barry Holden & Gene Polito.