Groundwater Contamination & Sand Land
Aircraft Noise
- NYS Assemblyman Fred Thiele, Jr.
- Suffolk County Legislator Bridget Fleming
- Suffolk County Health Dept. Environmental Quality Dept. Hydrogeologist Ron Paulsen
- Barry Holden and Gene Polito will provide an update on Aircraft Noise.
Our guests will discuss the latest Health Department Report “Investigation of Potential Impacts to Groundwater at Wainscott Sand & Gravel/Sand Land Facility 585 Middle Line Highway, Noyack, N.Y.” The report states, “The vegetative waste management activities on the Sand Land site have had significant adverse impacts to the groundwater.” Unhealthy levels of arsenic, lead, cobalt, manganese and radioactive chemicals have been found in the aquifer. According to Bob DeLuca of Group for the East End, “A renewal of the Mine’s permit is forthcoming. The DEC is not looking at the property in a different light considering the Health Department’s report.”
Please attend this meeting, voice your concerns and get your questions answered. Click here to download the August meeting announcement.
Decision on the Renewal of Sand Land Mine’s Permit is forthcoming...
What can you do to help protect our groundwater?
Email or Call Gov. Cuomo
Governor Cuomo must be engaged to make sure the NYSDEC does its job, closes this facility and protects our water: Request that Sand Land/Wainscott Sand & Gravel located in the Town of Southampton NOT be issued a renewed permit in November.
NCC members should feel free to remind the Governor that:
- Waste processing on the site is illegal under Town Code and supported by Court ruling
- The mine is out of sand
- The operations at the site have already contaminated groundwater
- The facility's operations threaten the drinking water in a State-designated Special Groundwater Protection Area.
- Despite all of these objective realities, the Governor's DEC has done nothing but ignore the public while actively and willfully concealing readily observable problems at the site — despite irrefutable third party agency data (SCDHS) that the site is in fact contaminating the aquifer.
This wasn't on the Governor's radar scope until we all had the press conference in July calling on them to not renew the permit. That means Gov. Cuomo needs to hear directly from the public without it getting filtered from the regional DEC office.
Group for the East End and Citizens Campaign for the Environment are working with local municipalities, the community, and environmentalists on a unified action plan to protect Long Island water. Please help.
The aquifer is everyone’s source of water on the East End, even those who have Suffolk County Water.
Note: The DEC has declined to attend our meetings, nor has anyone returned phone calls on the status of the Mine’s permit to expand.
Photos below are from the Press Conference, Friday July 13, 2018
Seated left to right at the table are:
NYS Assemblyman Fred Thiele
Southampton Town Supervisor Jay Schneiderman
Suffolk County Legislator Bridget Flemming
Southampton Town Councilman Tommy John Schiavoni
Executive Director Citizens Campaign for the Environment Adrienne Esposito
NCC President Elena Loreto
Group for the East End President Bob Deluca
AND... Photos below are from July 16th:
Notwithstanding the news, Sand Land has scrapped the soil from an area of about an acre, exposing the sand below...and are now in the process of excavation...further down. In addition the grinder is processing and storing 1000's of cubic yards of waste. At the same time dumpers are in the pit in close proximity of the grinder with no safety equipment: hard hats, eye protection, etc.