President and Vice-President of the Sag Harbor Chamber of Commerce: LISA FIELD and DAVID BROGNA
Find out: • What does the Chamber of Commerce do? • How does the Chamber positively affect our lives? • What events does it host? • How we can assist the Chamber? Do you know that when we spend $100 locally, $73 stays in our community? Shopping at a brick and mortar store is a greener option than ordering on line. “Factoring in overall transportation costs, expedited delivery and returns, one item ordered online equals the carbon footprint of 24 items bought in a local store” (from the Sag Harbor Chamber of Commerce.) Local businesses create jobs for your neighbors.
Items of Interest:
Put on your dancing shoes! The NCC’s annual Holiday Dinner Dance is Sunday, Nov. 24 at the Coast Grill, from 4-8PM. See back for details. This is our major fund raiser for the NCC’s scholarship fund and charitable endeavors for the year. If you can’t make it, please consider making a contribution! All donors are listed at the event, our website and on our upcoming meeting announcements For more info, email us at
The NCC advocates for clean water and continues, with other neighbors, officials, civic and environmental groups, to fight the DEC in court. The DEC is ignoring the contamination in our aquifer and gave the Sand Land Mine a permit to operate another 8 years.
The NCC had a lively and informative discussion on Airport Noise at our October meeting. We hope to continue the discussion with EH Town Councilman Jeff Bragman. We will let you know when we can meet informally with him.
Next Meeting—December 10. The NCC has invited Gov. Andrew Cuomo to speak on environmental issues, East End issues and storm preparedness at our December meeting. He has not responded to two invitations. We will keep you posted.