Update on East Hampton Airport’s Noise Abatement from Southampton Town Councilwoman Christine Scalera, Town Attorney James Burke and East Hampton Councilman Jeff Bragman
Candidates for Suffolk County Legislature: Legislator Bridget Fleming and Linda Kabot.
Candidates for Town Council: Councilman John Bouvier, Hannah Pell, and Craig Catalanotto.
This is not a debate. Each candidate will be given a time slot to address the audience and answer questions from the floor. We hope you can attend this informative meeting. Meet the persons who would like to establish policies, pass laws and spend our tax money. Bring your friends.
Items of Interest:
Put on your dancing shoes! The NCC will hold its annual Holiday Dinner Dance on Sunday, Nov. 24 at the Coast Grill, from 4-8PM. Details to follow. This is our fund raiser for our scholarship fund and charitable endeavors for the year.
The NCC’s Trustees have been meeting with Town officials to make the intersection of Noyac Road and Stony Hill Rd. safer.
Our NCC rep. is still working with Parks and Rec. Director Kristen Doulos on the “No Dogs” signs at Long Beach that were taken down earlier than the signs should have been. Dogs are allowed Oct. 1 – March 30.
One “Welcome to Noyac” sign along Noyac Road between Northside Hills and Rawson Estates was stolen the week of Sept. 23. If you have information on this theft, please contact one of the NCC’s officers or trustees.
The County has filed a notice of appeal from the denial of its motion to intervene in the Sand Land Mine case. The NCC has joined with the County in the lawsuit to protect our aquifer. We demand to know what the DEC is doing to clean up the contaminants found in the aquifer.