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Meeting September 28, 2021

Meet the Candidates for Southampton Town Highway Superintendent and Town Justice:

Highway: Charles McArdle and Tom Neely

Justice: Adam Grossman, Patrick Gunn, Shari Oster, Barbara Wilson

Meeting ID: 896 1429 6533 
Passcode: 525544 
One tap mobile 
+19294362866,,89614296533#,,,,*525544# US (New York)
Dial by your location        
+1 929 436 2866 US (New York)

Southampton Town Highway Department:

Southampton Town Justice Court:

Items of Interest

  1. Noyac Civic Council jumped into the annual Sag Harbor Chamber of Commerce HarborFest event for the first time. The weather helped with a great turnout, although the winds provided a challenge to keep tents, etc. on the ground – but the teamwork with neighbors created a collegial atmosphere. The vertical and horizontal banners helped attract many visitors while the printed materials answered many questions about how NCC helps the community and to sign-up new members. A few prospective members noticed the QR codes on various printed materials and started right into the signup process.

    NCC team did a great job chatting and answering questions of prospective members who stopped by the tent and we exceeded our goal of 20 new members. NCC team members: Chuck Neuman, Ellie Thompson, John Arendt, Maryanne Arendt, John Kirrane, Marilyn Downes, Elfie Winkle, Sharon Bakes, Diane Hewett and Matthew Burns. Many commented that it was a great team building effort and they had an enjoyable time. It appears that this may be the start of an annual event for NCC.

  2. The NCC has a zoom meeting scheduled with Town Supervisor Schneiderman, Councilman Schiavoni and Town Attorney Burke to discuss the Sand Land Mine’s violations to the Town’s zoning code. We will also discuss how the $1 billion CPF fund can benefit Noyac.

  3. The NCC recently invited Governor Hochul to speak at one of our meetings. See her reply at right. We will continue to invite her to address environmental, health and financial concerns in Noyac.

  4. NCC Annual Fundraiser: “Fall into the Holidays” will be held virtually due to concerns surrounding Covid. The NCC committee felt it was not wise to hold a large event indoors. However, since this is our major fundraiser please stay tuned as we generate ideas to raise much needed funds for the NCC’s charitable endeavors (scholarships and contributions to local Veteran’s organizations, children’s organizations and our volunteer fire and ambulance corps). More info will follow soon. Please contact us to share ideas and if you are interesting in being on this committee:

  5. Because gathering in person is greatly needed as a community, the NCC will be planning a Spring Fling at Long Beach (May/June 2022). This outdoor fundraising event is sure to be a great time! Please contact us to share ideas and if you are interesting in being on this committee:

  6. Many Noyac residents participated in the East Hampton Town’s Re-envisioning East Hampton Airport meetings. Many thanks to those who voiced their opinions on the problems Noyac endures from the Airport. We seem to have gotten EH’s attention.

  7. Please send us your questions and thoughts.

  8. Next Meeting: Tuesday, October 12: Meet the Candidates for Town Council: ROBIN LONG, CYNTHIA MCNAMARA, ANN THOMAS, TOMMY JOHN SCHIAVONI

We’ve created these lawn signs to show our love of Noyac and encourage new membership in the NCC! If you would like one to place on your lawn or business, please contact John Kirrane. (Note: signs cannot be placed on public property.)

Earlier Event: September 14
September Meeting 2021
Later Event: October 12
Meeting October 12, 2021