Meeting Change!!!
The NCC was notified by the Town of Southampton today at about 2 PM that the heat is not working in the Old Noyac Schoolhouse. The Town’s plumber has begun draining pipes at the schoolhouse since the service technician is unable to look at the heater until next week.
Because of the lack of heat and service issues, the Executive Committee of the NCC must cancel the in-person meeting at the Old Noyac Schoolhouse.
We will still meet via ZOOM. (info below)
We apologize for the sudden change of plans.
Re-cap 2022 issues and Discuss topics for 2023
Saturday, December 10th • 10 AM
The plants from our April event are thriving but more beach plantings are needed to continue this project to protect Long Beach from erosion. Mark your calendar for Saturday, December 10! Again, this will be done with the help of the Cornell Cooperative Extension and the Town of Southampton.
Councilman Schiavoni invites persons of all ages to volunteer and participate for an hour or two as was done last April. No experience necessary. This is part of the ongoing project that the NCC has been promoting for some time.
The NCC will provide hot chocolate for our volunteers because we have a feeling it will be cold like last time! Hope you can join us!
Service credit is given to high school students.
More on Long Beach:
NCC worked with Southampton Town Parks Department leaders to make a number of improvements including increased staffing at the park entrances, repairs to blacktop, new bathroom fixtures, additional porta potty for year round use and more regular trash/recycling collection. Overall the park has been made cleaner and more attractive.
The NCC is seeking more information from Southampton Town on the CPF portion of this issue and we will continue to give our members information on upcoming public hearings and meetings.
Read East Hampton Star article: "Rethinking a C.P.F. Offer in Sag Harbor?"
From the article: Mr. Schiavoni said the town board is waiting to receive written comments from the C.P.F. committee, which are likely to come up during the Southampton Town Board’s next meeting, on Dec. 13. ... “We still do not definitively know what the school district intends with the property. They have said they want to go out to the community and develop a plan,” he said. The SEQRA report is “the most definitive document of what the school intends, however, we still do not know what the final plan is. . . . Rest assured, during public hearings, we will hear all sides of this situation, and we will make our decisions accordingly in conjunction with our advisory board.”
the can gets kicked down the road again…
The Sand Land case was supposed to be heard by the Appellate Court on November 15. The judge announced an adjournment the night before the conference yet again and rescheduled for December 22.
Please be aware of your outdoor lighting especially as leaves fall off the trees and light trespass becomes more of an issue in winter. There are many things you can do to address light pollution. For resources please revisit our Dec 2021 meeting: click here
Click for simple things you can do to protect against the effects of Light Pollution. (Illustration: International Dark-Sky Association)
Noyac Civic continued to be an active stakeholder in efforts to control aircraft noise in this community. Our officers and members have been vocal participants in both Southampton and East Hampton Town Halls to ensure all future airport plans are taking the quality of life of Noyac residents into consideration.
Local control of the airport is being litigated in the courts and we will learn more as we go through 2023.
Recent Articles:
in the Town of Southampton
The Town is still waiting for the New York State to give instructions on Zoning Regulations required at which time the Town will hold Public Hearings for input. Click here to read 27 East article.
The article states: "“In no case shall a cannabis dispensary be located on Noyac Road or County Road 39 west of the intersection of David Whites Lane,” the proposal reads."
The NCC wants to return to in-person meetings. We are looking into setting up hybrid in-person/zoom meetings at the Old Noyac Schoolhouse. In order to facilitate this, we have been working with Councilman Schiavoni to get the Town to improve the internet service there. This on-going project will take some time, but we are confident it will be resolved.
Meanwhile, in order to have hybrid meetings (in-person & zoom), we may try to hold our meetings at John Jermain Memorial Library if they allow. Meeting dates would need to be more flexible and on Thursday evenings.
Please share your thoughts on in-person vs. zoom or hybrid meetings with us.
Sag Harbor Historical Society presentation by Aubrey Peterson, Jr. is being planned. Date and venue TBD. Please check back for details.
Once again we are not able to have our annual Holiday Dinner Dance. It has been increasingly difficult to find an affordable venue for this much loved event in Noyac. We are now trying to have an outdoor event in the Spring.
Do you have ideas, or would you like to help plan NCC events? Please contact us!
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