Topics and Guests…
Councilman Tommy John Schiavoni
Meet our 2022 Scholarship Winners:
Jackson Bakes and Wilson Bennett
Councilman Schiavoni will discuss several Noyac issues:
An update on sidewalks and crosswalks Noyac Road
The Hamlet Study
The Comprehensive Plan on Housing
Long Beach Plantings
Please email any questions for discussion before the meeting. NCC Members in good standing will have first priority in asking questions at the zoom meeting.
We are in the process of testing out an approach to hybrid meeting - in person at the schoolhouse and zoom. Hopefully we will be able to have in person meetings soon!
Items of Interest:
Bravo, Noyac! The Town Trustees denied the permit application to allow a private business to run a day camp at Circle Beach from 8AM-8PM from May -Labor Day. Thanks to those who spoke at the Trustees’ meetings, sent emails or made phone calls.
Because of the delay to scheduling attributed to COVID, the NCC elections of Officers and 3 Trustees will be postponed until the fall. Do you have an interest in the operations of the Noyac Civic Council? Then please consider running for a Trustee position. Call Elena Loreto, President at 725-3304.
Airport Statement
Many have taken our survey and shared concerns with the intersection/circle at Noyac Road/Long Beach Road. We contacted Hwy Superintendent Charlie McArdle and he offered the following suggestion for a quick fix. Also pictured below is the 2005 proposed traffic circle.
Hwy Superintendent, Charles McArdle “quick fix” proposal
2005 Proposed Traffic Circle
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