Meet the Candidates
for Sag Harbor School District Board of Education
Meet the persons who decide the educational policies that will impact our students and how your tax dollars are spent.
On the Ballot:
Grainne Coen
Write-in Candidates:
Janice D’Angelo
Heather Hartstein
Ronald Reed
Each candidate will have 10 minutes to introduce himself/herself separately and answer questions, including from the members. This is not a debate.
Click here to read the candidates statements. Please check back for updates.
Scroll down for more info and to see a sample ballot.
VOTE! Tuesday May 17
Budget Vote and BOE Election
in the Pierson High School Gym
7:00 am – 9:00 pm
Please email any questions for discussion to before the meeting. NCC Members in good standing will have first priority in asking questions at the zoom meeting.
This May, two seats will be open for election on the SHUFSD Board of Ed (expiring: Chris Tice and Yorgos Tsibiridis).
Note: We are working with the Town to get our meetings back in person soon. We would like to provide a hybrid method, but the schoolhouse doesn't have wifi. If you have ideas and can help with this type of setup, please contact us. Meanwhile, if you have any questions on how to use Zoom, please contact us or click here for a video tutorial.
NCC Scholarship Applications
Due by May 19!
Please see our website ( under Action Items) for the details. The scholarship is open to any immediate family member seeking higher education. This includes professional studies and graduate degrees.
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VOTE MAY 17th!!
School District Budget & BOE candidates
May 17 at Pierson H.S. gym from 7 AM - 9 PM
Sag Harbor Schools’ Proposed Budget for 2022-2023:
Proposition #1: $45,993,327
Proposition #2: Use $2,500,000 from the Facilities Improvement Capital Reserve Fund for HVAC unit Ventilator upgrades.
Vote for 2 BOE Candidates
FYI: You can VOTE for any TWO of these candidates or write in any individual(s) you support and who is a resident of the SHUFSD. How to Write-In a Candidate’s name/sample ballot below:
Obtain and absentee ballot by calling 631-725-5300 X 411. Ballots must be received by May 17 before 5:00 PM. Click here for more Absentee Ballot Information
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Great East End Clean Up!
Many thanks to those who participated in the Great East End Clean -Up:
Rich Benz, Elfie Neuman, Matt Burns, Maryann Murphy, Marianne Terrigno, Chuck Neuman, Lawrence Leek, Marguerite Basti, Janet Grossman, John Kirrane, Carolyn Kirrane, Bridget Kirrane, and John Arendt.
Thank you for cleaning up our neighborhood!
It makes a difference!
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East Hampton Town is proceeding with plan to implement restrictions at the airport this month. The process will include a temporary airport closure of approximately 18 hours commencing May 17 and reopening on May 19. The EH Town Board expects the new restrictions will limit the volume of aircraft which in turn may reduce complaints from impacted neighbors.
It is important for local residents to provide the Town Board with feedback. This includes continuing to file complaints as appropriate when you have low flying, noisy aircraft disrupting your peace and quiet. Our voices make a difference, so please be sure you are heard.
Please click HERE to learn more about the 3 main systems that you can use to submit a complaint about airport noise.
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Circle Beach
A record turn-out attended and spoke and the May 2 Trustees meeting regarding the permit proposal to allow a private business to operate a paddleboard day-camp, tours etc. 8AM-8PM at Circle Beach. Written comments will be accepted until May 16. Submit written comments via e-mail at: or call Trustees’ Office at (631) 287-5717. The Trustees will announce their decision on May 16. Please tell your neighbors.
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Work with a great group of people and help the community at the same time!
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