Please read SHUFSD’s response to some of our questions:
(Received 10/26/22)
Q. What are total projected costs including development of athletic field, redefined plan for Mashashimuet park, maintenance including staffing, equipment, for new athletic field(s), etc.?
A. The total cost of the proposed purchase of the Marsden lots is $9,325,000. The school district contribution is $3,325,000 (includes $50,000 for settlement costs) and the CPF contribution is $6,000,000. The park renovation vote scheduled for September 29, was postponed in order to provide time for the district and the park board to discuss possible revisions to the renovation plan due to the proposed acquisition of the Marsden lots. The initial estimate was $13,500,000. It is possible that the plan will be scaled down, thus resulting in a lower amount. An equipment impact estimate is premature as the district does not know the field design or the surface at this point. Staffing levels are anticipated to remain stable.
Q. How will the wetlands be mitigated? This property has significant wetlands, collecting significant rain water that runs directly into our watershed. Current woodlands aid in filtering stormwater runoff.
A.There are no wetlands on the property. The Phase I study and the SEQRA determination is posted on the district website. Our architects will address stormwater runoff in the design process.
Q. CPF funds are designated for preserving our natural environment and water quality; how does this purchase fit CPF parameters if the property will be developed?
A. The school district received confirmation from the CPF program manager that the Town Board of the Town of Southampton authorized a $6,000,000 contribution towards the purchase. Specific questions should be directed towards the CPF.
Q. Why does the school appear to be considering or has committed to use of artificial turf which was previously overwhelmingly rejected by the Sag Harbor community, who voted against artificial turf by 10 to 1 in a 2016?
A. The school has not committed to artificial turf or natural grass. The vote on November 3 is for the purpose of authorizing the school district to access $3,325,000 in order to purchase the Marsden lots.
Q. Developers previously could not obtain permits to build on these properties. So what is the REAL value? Zillow assesses the 5 properties at $5.64M so why the offer of $9.275? If this property could not be developed previously, why would the school be able to develop it?
A. The value of the property is based on appraisals conducted by the Town of Southampton
Q. Why has the Town not moved forward on a public hearing on this CPF purchase? How can you be confident they will work with the School on this purchase?
A. See answer #3. If the Town Board of the Town of Southampton does not vote to approve the $6,000,000 contribution, the $3,325,000 will not be removed from the reserve fund as part of the proposed acquisition.
Q. Is synthetic turf is on the table? I hear that this time, the school district won’t ask the community for a vote. Is it true that the school will acquire the lots and then won’t need to ask for capital expenditures for turf because it’s baked into the broader plan of H2M, the “architect” whose renderings are shown in the district letter - who made a pro bono offer to Sag Harbor to lay this astroturf for free, so will the school NOT require another vote to use astroturf?
A. The field surface has not been decided. If the November 3 vote is positive and the district acquires the lots, the school district intends to conduct multiple outreach efforts in order to gain community feedback regarding the field design and surface. This feedback will inform a bond that will require a public vote. H2M is not providing any “pro bono” services.