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May Meeting 2018

  • Old Noyac Schoolhouse 3010 Noyac Road Sag Harbor, NY, 11963 United States (map)

Meet the Candidates for Sag Harbor School BOE


  • Candidates for the Sag Harbor Board of Education: SUSAN SCHAEFER and JORDANA SOBEY.

  • SHARON BAKES, NCC Recording Secretary, will provide an update on the Stop the Cell Tower on Club Lane issue.

  • NOYAC COMMUNITY RESIDENTS: Do you have an issue that you would like discussed? The NCC will then open the floor to discuss an issue that affects you. This may also help us frame future meetings.

Items of Interest

  1. Many thanks to those who participated in the Great East End Clean Up on April 21: Janet Grossman, Chuck Neuman, Lori Blakeney, Elfie Neuman, Germaine Williamson, James Williamson, Ruby Jackson, Diane Canavan, Caroline Canavan and Diane Hewett. Thank you for showing civic pride in our hamlet.

  2. The NCC Scholarship for adult and young adult members seeking higher education. Deadline: May 18, 2018.

  3. NEXT MEETING: June 12, Daniel Malesardi, of the NYS Department of Public Service. The DPS is charged with implementing state oversight of LIPA and PSEG-LI. There have been some significant changes to the energy goals of NY, and NCC members would benefit from learning about what’s happening with utilities: an overview of the restructured electric utility operations on Long Island; residential and non-residential customer rights and protections; review of electricity rates; preparations for and response to storms and other emergencies; customer complaint resolution and programs to assist your members with energy efficiency initiatives.

  4. NCC Election of Officers at the June 12 meeting. Care about your community? Run for an NCC Executive Committee office! NCC Officer Elections will be held in June, 2018. This is YOUR chance to get involved and help the strongest advocate for quality of life issues in your neighborhood. Call or email Elena for more info: 631-725-3304, or call an Executive Committee member (see below)

  5. Sag Harbor Schools Budget and Trustees Vote: May 15. Need a ride? Call one of the NCC Officers and we will help you get a ride. Download Absentee ballot here.

Can You Help the NCC?

  • Run for an NCC Executive Committee office: Next election will be June, 2018.

  • Membership: assist with database, dues invoicing, etc. Contact Chuck Neuman 631-988-8139.

  • Help gather and submit information for monthly meetings and newsletters.

Earlier Event: April 17
April Meeting 2018
Later Event: May 18
DUE DATE for NCC Scholarship