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April Meeting 2018

  • Old Noyac Schoolhouse 3010 Noyac Road Sag Harbor, NY, 11963 United States (map)

Sag Harbor School District Budget Presentation


  • Sag Harbor Schools Superintendent Katy Graves

  • Business Administrator Dr. Philip Kenter.

Presentation of the 2018-2019 proposed budget and the plans/expenses for the Stella Maris building.

Items of Interest

  • Do you want to run for the Board of Education? Trustee packets for candidates are
    available at the District Clerk’s office at Pierson H.S. from 8AM-4PM, look at the website: under “For Community.” Applications due Mon. April 16 at 5 PM.

  • Have you received an offer for free well testing from the Suffolk Health Department?

  • After the NCC, Group for the East End and the Citizens’ Campaign for the Environment held a press conference on March 9 outlining the contaminants found in the aquifer, the Health Department Commissioner agreed to free well testing for those homes down gradient from the contaminants. Please let us know if you received a letter. The NCC is the best local advocate for clean water.

  • Petting Zoo Returns—Saturday, March 31, 2018 from 12-2 at the Sag Harbor Garden Center. Animals will be there from the Cornell Coop. Extension and the Easter Bunny will make an appearance. We are proud that the Garden Center is an NCC member and sponsors this free event. Stop in for your spring flowers. Thank you, Phil and Diane.

  • Another NCC member and supporter, the Wharf Shop, will celebrate its 50th anniversary on April 14, 2018, all day. Stop in and congratulate Nada Barry.

  • The NCC Scholarship for adult and young adult members seeking higher education. Deadline: May 18, 2018. Click here for details

  • Please contact these elected and appointed officials on the contaminants in our aquifer.

  1. Supervisor Jay Schneiderman, 631-283-6055

  2. County Executive Steve Bellone 631-853- 4000,

  3. Gov. Andrew Cuomo, 518-474-8390, or visit to send an email.

  4. DEC or Region 1 Director Carrie Gallagher (631) 444-0345

  5. Suffolk County Health Commissioner Dr. James Tomarken

Can You Help the NCC?

Here are some ideas to get involved….

  • Run for an NCC Executive Committee office: Next election will be June, 2018.

  • Membership: assist with database, dues invoicing, etc. Contact Chuck Neuman 631-988-8139.

Earlier Event: March 20
March Meeting 2018
Later Event: May 8
May Meeting 2018