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April Meeting 2021

Parks and Recreation Update and Discussion


Kristen Doulos, Southampton Town Director of Parks and Recreation:
Ms. Doulos will discuss the improvements at Long Beach and Trout Pond. What are her plans for the premier recreation areas we love so much? What about Circle Beach? Please email any questions for Kristen to before the meeting.

Meeting ID: 879 6075 8153

Passcode: 780805

Time: Tuesday, April 13, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting:

Dial by your location: +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)

Note: Some members have encountered issues pertaining to audio or visual during a presentation. If you encounter any problems, simply exit/leave the meeting and re-enter with the same link above. This strategy usually works for most. Finally, if you enter the meeting late, please be sure to mute your screen.

Please email any questions to before the meeting.


1. Meeting called to order. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call. 4. Welcome and acknowledgement of guests. 5. Treasurer’s Report. 6. Minutes- February meeting. 7. Old Business. 8. New Business 9. Motion to adjourn.

New Business:

  1. NCC Scholarship Applications are due by May 14. Please click here for the details. The scholarship is open to any immediate family member seeking higher education. This includes professional studies and graduate degrees.

  2. Southampton Town Public Hearing to approve water monitoring program legislation: April 13, 2021 at 1:00 PM via zoom. From Councilman Tommy John Schiavoni:
    The Town of Southampton is poised to pass legislation which would require all sand-mine owners in the Town to establish and maintain an on-site water monitoring program. Mine owners will be required to test water from their site two times a year with the information to be posted on the town website. This first of its kind law will have a public hearing at a Town Board meeting on Tuesday, April 13th at 1:00.

  3. Next Meeting: May 11. Sag Harbor School Budget and Board of Education Candidates.

  4. Thank you for paying your 2021 NCC dues. If you have not paid your dues, please remit asap. Ask your neighbors if they are NCC members. The more members we have, the more we are able to help Noyac and the stronger our voice in Town Hall.

Earlier Event: February 24
February 2021 Meeting
Later Event: May 11
May Meeting 2021