Honoring Our Community Volunteers
Guests (in order of appearance):
John Christianson President of the North Sea Volunteer Ambulance Corps
Chief Steve Miller of the Sag Harbor Volunteer Fire Department
Missy Hesler President of the Sag Harbor Volunteer Ambulance Corps
Chief Ryan White of the North Sea Volunteer Fire Department
Cindy Capalbo of the Sag Harbor Helpers.
Evelyn Ramunno, Executive Director of the Sag Harbor Food Pantry
Meeting ID: 838 4880 1609
Passcode: 625298
Time: Wednesday, Jan 13, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83848801609?pwd=KzJWa3dUMEtXZ1kzQko2Y3BLSUZWQT09
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Note: Some members have encountered issues pertaining to audio or visual during a presentation. If you encounter any problems, simply exit/leave the meeting and re-enter with the same link above. This strategy usually works for most. Finally, if you enter the meeting late, please be sure to mute your screen.
1. Meeting called to order. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call. 4. Welcome and acknowledgement of guests. 5. Treasurer’s Report. 6. Minutes- January meeting. 7. Old Business. 8. New Business 9. Motion to adjourn.
New Business:
In the spirit of the season, the Noyac Civic Council will recognize the kindness and love community volunteers demonstrate every day. Our volunteer Firemen, Ambulance Corps, Sag Harbor Helpers, and the Food Pantry will join our zoom meeting as the NCC presents them with a donation. Participants will hear about their missions, what they do for our community, how they have been impacted during these difficult times, and how others can help, too.
We hope you can join us as we honor these special members of our community. The NCC is grateful for their selfless acts that make a difference in the lives of our residents and neighbors.
See you on Zoom!
Discussion Items:
Updates will be given at the February meeting on EH Airport and Cell Tower.
Click here for more info on Southampton Town's extensions of two Emergency Orders:
#1.9 – addresses certain outdoor dining restrictions currently in the Town Code
#21. – extends the General State of Emergency within the Town of Southampton
Notice of Public Hearing (NYS Police Reform and Reinvention Collaborative Guidance Documents) to Accept Public Comment on the Draft Plan and Recommendations in Conformance with New York Executive Order No. 203
Click here to read full letter of resolution
Click here to read 2021 DRAFT Town of SH Police Reform Plan
The Town Board of the Town of Southampton shall hold a public hearing at a Special Town Board Meeting to be set for Tuesday, March 2, 2021 at 6:00 p.m., to solicit comments from the public on the New York State Police Reform and Reinvention Collaborative Draft Plan and Recommendations prepared by the Citizen Law Enforcement Review Committee (The CLERC) prior to its adoption.
The public can watch the live meeting online from the Town of Southampton website on the Town Clerk’s Meeting Portal, via YouTube, or through the Zoom App. If any interested members of the public would like to provide comments on the public hearing, comments can be called in during the meeting via a telephone on the Zoom App. Comments can also be emailed up until one hour before the start of the meeting to the Town Clerk at townclerk@southamptontownny.gov.
Our March meeting will highlight why we love Noyac.
Councilman Tommy John Schiavoni has proposed legislation which would require water testing at mines in Southampton. This is to be discussed at tonight's Town Board Meeting. There will be a public comment period of 2 weeks. Perhaps you, our members, would like to respond during the public response period. You may email the Town Clerk (sschermeyer@southamptontownny.gov) who will send your letter to the Town Supervisor and Council.
Click here for NCC President Elena Loreto’s letter to the Town in support of this proposal.
Click here for NCC VP Diane Hewett’s call for action letter on private well testing and clean water.
Interested in running for school board? Now’s the time to start your campaign! Click here for more info.