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January Meeting

Village Premium Parking 2021 Initiative and Airport Update


Aidan Corish:
Parking Fees:
Sag Harbor Village Trustee Aidan Corish will discuss a proposal to implement parking fees in the Village next summer. The plan identifies parking on Main Street and Long Wharf as “premium” spaces. These spaces represent approximately 25% of public parking and will require parking fee if the proposal is approved.

Patricia Currie:
East Hampton Airport: NCC Member Patricia Currie will share concepts being discussed to repurpose the 600 acre airport site so that it will benefit all of the residents of the South Fork. There is strong support among East Hampton residents for making changes to address the current issues impacting our quality of life in our community.

Meeting ID: 848 7724 5769

Passcode: 861468

Time: Wednesday, Jan 13, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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1. Meeting called to order. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call. 4. Welcome and acknowledgement of guests. 5. Treasurer’s Report. 6. Minutes- December meeting. 7. Old Business. 8. New Business 9. Motion to adjourn.

New Business:

1. Parking Fees: Sag Harbor Village Trustee Aidan Corish will discuss a proposal to implement parking fees in the Village next summer. The plan identifies parking on Main Street and Long Wharf as “premium” spaces. These spaces represent approximately 25% of public parking and will require parking fee if the proposal is approved. The NCC is hoping to negotiate a parking rate that is the same as village residents. (Noyac residents are proud members of the Sag Harbor community and contribute to supporting the village businesses as well as our schools, fire department, library, etc. While our homes are not in the Village, the Village is where many of us shop, work and dine.)

2. East Hampton Airport: NCC Member Patricia Currie will share concepts being discussed to repurpose the 600 acre airport site so that it will benefit all residents of the South Fork. There is strong support among East Hampton residents for making changes to address the current issues impacting quality of life in our community.

Items of Interest: Noyac’s Heroes; Thank you to these NCC members for their generosity and kindness!

Cindy Capalbo, founder of Sag Harbor Helpers, once again stepped up to help NCC members who needed a warm meal on Christmas Day. They delivered close to 100 meals! Cindy was mentioned one of two persons of the year in the December 31, 2020 Sag Harbor Express. The NCC is honored to have Cindy as a NCC member and local business owner. Bravo, Cindy; you are a credit to our community!

Jim & Donna Catallo, Julie & Chuck Totero, and Diane & Phil Bucking gave generous donations to support our scholarship fund. These magnanimous gestures are especially appreciated since the NCC was unable to have our Dinner Dance Fundraiser this year. Diane and Phil, proprietors of the Sag Harbor Garden Center, also donated the lovely Christmas Tree for the circle at Long Beach.

Earlier Event: December 8
December Meeting
Later Event: February 24
February 2021 Meeting