Judge Ed Burke
Swearing in newly elected NCC Officers and Trustees. (See the list below.)
Chief of Police Steven Skrynecki
School Bus Safety & Rise in Crime in Southampton
Meeting ID: 842 0272 7461
Passcode: 529903
Time: Dec 8, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84202727461?pwd=YXRSMis0bTA0VDBuMXpyN2dIdjZsUT09
Note: Some members have encountered issues pertaining to audio or visual during a presentation. If you encounter any problems, simply exit/leave the meeting and re-enter with the same link above. This strategy usually works for most. Finally, if you enter the meeting late, please be sure to mute your screen.
Meeting called to order.
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call.
Welcome and acknowledgement of guests.
Treasurer’s Report.
Minutes- September meeting.
Old Business.
New Business
Motion to adjourn.
Old Business: Swearing in of NCC Officers and Trustees by Judge Burke.
President: Elena Loreto
1st V.P.: Diane Hewett
2nd V.P.: Janet Verneuille
Treasurer: John Arendt
Corresponding Secretary: Matt Burns
Recording Secretary: Sharon Bakes
Sergeant-at Arms: Elfie Winkle
Trustees: John Anderson, Marilyn Downes, John Kirrane, Ellie Thompson
President Emeritus Charles Neuman
New Business: Chief Skrynecki will present information on the School Bus Safety Cameras. He will also discuss the increase of thefts of cars and houses in Southampton.
Sharon Bakes will present a brief update on the Cell Tower and the protest held at 30 Club Lane. Thank you to the 35 adults and children who attended the protest on Sunday, Nov. 22.
A new “Welcome to Noyac” sign has been ordered and will be replaced on the west end of Noyac Rd. The original was reported stolen a couple years ago.
Many thanks to NCC members Jim and Donna Catallo for their charitable donation to our scholarship fund. Because we cannot have a fund raiser this holiday season, Jim and Donna generously sent a check to help us fund a scholarship this year.
Reminder: Please continue to submit aircraft complaints. The airport will be back under local control in October 2021. East Hampton Town officials are listening.
We hope to install a Christmas Tree (donated by Sag Harbor Garden Center) at the circle near Long Beach soon. If you are willing to help with the installation and decorations, please contact us to coordinate. Another volunteer is needed! Thank you to John Arendt, Scott Hewett and Chuck Neuman for helping with this festive project each year!
Sadly, the 2020 NCC Holiday Dinner Dance Fundraiser must be cancelled, but we are trying to think of other ways to celebrate and raise funds for the NCC’s Scholarship and charitable endeavors and may look to an outdoor event in the Spring/Summer 2021. Let us know if you have any ideas or can help with planning!
The COVID-19 virus has changed and cancelled many activities. Sadly, we cannot have our Children’s Christmas Party. Please tell your children that Santa has not forgotten to come to Noyac. He just was held up by some other business. He loves all our children and wishes them a healthy and happy Christmas and New Year.
The Toys for Tots campaign is is full swing until December 11. Please drop off NEW unwrapped toys for the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve program that brings toys to those who are less fortunate. Assemblyman Fred Thiele, Jr. is collecting the donations from 9AM-5PM at this office:
3350 Noyac Road
Building B, Suite 1
Sag Harbor, NY 11963