Southampton Town Councilman Tommy John Schiavoni
Meeting ID: 873 8741 5452
Passcode: 253060
One tap mobile: +19294362866,,87387415452#,,,,,,0#,,253060# US (New York)
A new Cell Tower has been introduced at Southampton Town Hall to be built at 30 Club Lane near Wildwood Rd, Millstone Rd, Old Noyac Path and Kellys Path in Noyac. These are zoned residential areas. The same issue and location came up in 2018 when a cell tower was proposed and then tabled. This time it is for real and is a true threat to the well-being and financial stability of homeowners in our area. NCC asked the Town to offer an alternative location – such as the Town Recycling center on Major’s Path, a non residential area – that would address a larger number of dead zones along Noyac Rd and North Sea.
Why is a residential area of Noyac — that is known to have good cell service — being targeted when Southampton already has a location at the recycling center on Major’s Path? An article in the Sag Harbor Express 4, Nov. 2020 stated Schneiderman asked the company if they would work with the community “to get their comfort level up”. Why would Supervisor Schneiderman think that people now have "a more favorable feeling toward cell towers" near their houses? Schneiderman also stated, “Wealthy Manhattan refugees who fled east to escape the pandemic can’t understand how they pay $100,000 in taxes and don’t have basic infrastructure, the supervisor asserted.” This is a mischaracterization of the truth and what Noyac residents want.
It is vital that our voices be heard on this issue before it's too late. Communities across the country are battling giant corporations like SBA, Verizon and AT&T because of FCC regulations that favor them, not the homeowners. It is URGENT that Southampton residents say No to a Cell Tower in a residential neighborhood with young children.
The next Southampton Town Board Regular Meeting is 11/24/2020 at 6:00 PM: Town Board Room, 116 Hampton Road, Southampton.
Please mark your calendars to attend – your voice matters!
Meeting called to order.
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call.
Welcome and acknowledgement of guests.
Treasurer’s Report.
Minutes- September meeting.
Old Business.
New Business
Motion to adjourn.
Items of Interest
Thank you to members who took the NCC survey, and have volunteered to work on a committee. The committee leaders will contact volunteers soon. Missed the survey and want to help? Please contact one of the NCC’s Officers and Trustees.
Parks and Recreation—John Kirrane
Aircraft Noise—John Kirrane
Water Safety and Quality—Diane Hewett, Elena Loreto
Membership—Charles Neuman and Matt Burns
Roads and Traffic Safety—Marilyn Downes, John Kirrane, Charles Neuman, Elena Loreto
Marketing, Social Media and Communications—Diane Hewett, John Arendt
Fund-raising/NCC’s Annual Charity Event—Matt Burns, Charles Neuman
Education—Elena Loreto
Cell Tower Location—Sharon Bakes
70th NCC Anniversary Celebration, 2024—TBDJudge Ed Burke will swear-in the newly elected Officers and Trustees at our Dec. 8 meeting.
Banner photo: Sag Harbor Express 2018 Article