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December 14, 2021 Meeting Announcement and Newsletter


Please scroll down for more info on our guests and proposed agenda.

Susan Harder

Founder, Dark Sky Society
Vice President and Co-Founder, Hamptons Observatory

Alex Gregor

Southampton Town Highway Superintendent

  1. Join us at the beginning of our meeting for a brief thank you and good-bye to Alex Gregor, Superintendent of Highways. The NCC appreciates how Mr. Gregor took care of roads, catch-basins, leaf pick-ups, curbing, sidewalks, crosswalks, installing signs, drains and snow fencing, removing dead wildlife and dumped debris, painting stop lines and crosswalks, resurfacing roadways and patching potholes in Noyac and the Town of Southampton during his twelve-years in office.

  2. Susan Harder will deliver an educational lecture about the deleterious impact of light pollution and what we can do about it. Ms. Harder has spent the last 25 years working with the International Dark Sky Association and the astronomers who need the skies dark to see the stars. She was also a founding member of the Hamptons Observatory, which hosts free star talks all over the East End with a professional telescope. Susan has worked to establish regulations and guidelines to protect the night sky from the effects of light pollution caused by excessive and misdirected lighting. She is also an Illuminating Engineering Society lighting designer who educates architects, engineers and electricians about lighting that conserves energy and protects our night skies.

For more information on dark skies initiatives, click the following links:

Click for simple things you can do to protect against the effects of Light Pollution. (Illustration: International Dark-Sky Association)

In early November the Big Dipper is seen low on the horizon, and Little Dipper above, over Jessup's Neck/Noyac Bay. (photo by Diane Hewett)

Items of Interest :

CALL FOR ACTION - Sand Land Update

On Dec. 10th, members of the NCC Executive Committee met to discuss enforcement at Sand Land Mine with Supervisor Schneiderman, Town Attorney James Burke, Assistant Town Attorney Sean Cambridge, Code Enforcement Ryan Horn, and Town Councilman Tommy John Schiavoni.

Sand Land continues operations even under a Stop Work Order and annulled CO. The Town has cited Sand Land over 50x's this year for "multiple code violations/incidents."

The Town recommended we allow the legal process to work through the courts, but they have not provided us with a timeframe at this point. Water contamination is a serious concern, an obvious health issue, and a potentially very expensive problem to resolve. We will provide updates as new facts become available.

Email May Zegarelli, Legislative Aide to Town Board. Tell the Town to enforce the law, its Stop Work Order, shut the Mine, and protect our water.

To all our members and loved ones,
Best Wishes for a Joyful Holiday Season

Here in Noyac the blessings are great –

We raise a glass and toast in the spirit of peace, prosperity, good health, kindness and joy for the New Year!

Your support is needed!

Please remember the NCC in your Holiday giving.

With our annual fundraiser cancelled for the 2nd year, the NCC is falling short on funds for our scholarship and other charitable endeavors. A gift to the NCC is an investment in your future and quality-of-life of Noyac.

Please send a check to the NCC, P.O. Box 2565, Sag Harbor, NY 11963 or donate online by clicking the button below.

Thank you for supporting the NCC/your community.

Click image for more info. If possible, consider the benefits of leaving leaves… see below

Please help replace our Welcome to Noyac Sign!
NCC is working to replace the “Welcome to Noyac” sign on the east end of Noyac Road. (The sign pictured above is located on Long Beach.) These signs greet passers-by to our beautiful Hamlet and are costly to produce. Please consider a donation to this endeavor: visit and click the “make a donation” button.

Ask Friends and Neighbors to Join the NCC!

NCC’s annual dues are the only funding source for the NCC’s operations and pay for: communications, insurance, professional fees, special projects, fundraising events, advocacy efforts, and unforeseen contingencies.

Click here to pay online.

Thank YOU for your support and being an active member in your community!

Earlier Event: November 30
November 2021 Newsletter (no meeting)
Later Event: February 9
Meeting: February 9, 2022