NCC Update & Members’ Discussion for 2022
We encourage you to attend this meeting, partake in the discussion and help formulate NCC goals for the coming year.
Please scroll down for more info on our guests and proposed agenda.
Meeting ID: 818 4060 9472
Passcode: 908502
One tap mobile: +19294362866,,81840609472#,,,,*908502# US (New York)
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The NCC Executive committee has been busy representing our members and advocating for Noyac. Please scroll down for a summary of recent actions, accomplishments, and ideas for future work. We’ve also included a tentative 2022 calendar of NCC meeting and events.
We are anxious to hear from you and look forward to your participation at this zoom meeting. Please email us with your questions, comments, concerns.
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Sand Land Appeals
The NCC wants the ZBA to enforce the law which Sand Land (SL) has ignored for several years. We will participate at the following hearings and invite concerned members to also attend.
ZBA hearings are scheduled for:
March 3 (SL is appealing the issuance of the C.O. from 2016) and
April 7 (SL is appealing the issuance of the Stop Work Order of June, 2021)
For more info visit: or contact us with questions.
We want the Town to enforce the Stop Work Order and protect our ground water. (The Suffolk County Health Department tested the water in the aquifer beneath the Mine and found that the plume of contamination emanates from the operations at the Mine.)
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East Hampton Airport
The East Hampton Town Board recently voted to “privatize” the East Hampton airport. This will require a short closure of the airport at the end of February with reopening planned for early March with flight restrictions. While it is unclear at this point what specific restrictions will be imposed, the EH Town Board has advised us the objective is to make significant improvements to quality of life for our local residents who have been burdened by noise and air pollution for over a decade.
Your efforts are what has pushed the EH Board to pursue this privation strategy. If the restrictions are not effective, closure of the airport and repurposing the 600 acres remains an option. Noyac Civic representatives will stay engaged and provide regular updates to our members. In the interim we encourage you to continue to file complaints when low flying aircraft travel over your home.
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Long Beach
The NCC Parks and Rec. Committee has been communicating with Southampton Town's Parks and Rec. Director Kristen Doulos to give us a spring update. A Spring event is being planned with Cornell Cooperative. Details are forthcoming, but plans include native plantings and educational info, a cleanup, a craft, etc.
Check out the new Foster Memorial Long Beach Live Cam! Watch on or on YouTube. There is also free wifi now at Long Beach provided by
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Noyac Road/Trout Pond Culvert
Do you know that NYS denied sending matching funds to repair the antiquated culvert on Noyac Rd. opposite the waterfall at Trout Pond? Former Sup. of Highways Alex Gregor notified the NCC Exec. Committee of NY State’s failure to respond to our needs. Repairing the culvert may allow Noyac Rd. to be widened slightly at this dangerous curve and perhaps include a sidewalk for pedestrians. The heavy truck traffic has taken its toll on the inadequate ancient culvert. A few years ago the Town did a temporary repair on the culvert but the time has come for a total repair. The NCC has asked Assemblyman Thiele, Jr., Senator Palumbo and Town Highway Sup. McArdle to apply for this Bridge NY grant in 2022.
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Community Preservation Fund
The NCC wants to learn more about how the Community Preservation Fund (CPF) program is impacting our quality of life for a future meeting. More than one billion dollars ($1,000,000,000) has been collected since 1999 under the CPF to be used for land acquisition, water quality improvements, and stewardship. In 2016 the program was modified to include 20% for water quality projects. Acquisitions to date total $738,573,688 which is about 75% of total funds.
What are the CPF's future priorities/goals?
What amount has been used for water quality?
How has the CPF protected our drinking water and bays?
How much open space has been preserved in Noyac?
Has the CPF been helpful in curtailing the onslaught of development and land clearing?
Is the money collected being used wisely regarding development, preservation, and taxation?
Does the CPF prioritize land in the designated aquifer protection overlay districts?
The NCC has learned of a piece of real estate for sale along Noyac Rd. just east of Dowling’s. This property has a dilapidated house and sailboat. A developer has proposed building 3 houses there which would require multiple variances. NCC reps, along with other NCC members, have asked CPF reps to consider purchasing this property and preserve the land as open space to help maintain the rural character along Noyac Rd. The CPF Department has obtained appraisals on the property and will present these to the Town Council who has final say on allocating the funds.
The NCC will invite the CPF representatives to a future meeting to further discuss these topics.
Click here to link to the Community Preservation Status Report (PDF)
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Sag Harbor School District
A major quality of life issue is the education of our children. The NCC strives to inform our membership as to the education of our students and the efficiency of how our tax money is spent. 70% of your property taxes go to the School District. The NCC will hold 2 meetings in 2022 on our School District:
April 13: Budget presentation
May 11: Meet the candidates running for SHUFSD Board of Education
The NCC is seeking a member representative to attend School Board meetings and provide our members with updates, concerns, and accolades. An informed community will enrich our district. Please contact us if you can take on this role. Thank you.
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NCC's Charitable Donations
The NCC sent donations to these organizations in 2021:
East End Hospice
Group for the East End
Sag Harbor and North Sea Ambulance Corps
Sag Harbor and North Sea Fire Departments
Sag Harbor Food Pantry
Sag Harbor Helpers
Sag Harbor VFW
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NCC Membership Update
2022 dues update
Membership drive efforts including plans for mass mailing
Ideas to increase membership, retention, engagement/volunteers
We need your participation!
If you received a dues invoice, please renew and continue your membership today!
Our robust membership gives Noyac a respected presence at Town Hall.
Interested in being more active in your community?
Work with a great group of people and help the community at the same time!
Click here for our VOLUNTEER SURVEY
The NCC would like to recognize the following members who made additional donations to the NCC:
Ed Jablonsky
Michael Lavigne
Deborah Martens
Joanne Staffa
Your support helps sustain and promote our quality of life.
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NCC 2022 Proposed Calendar of Events*
*Tentative schedule - subject to guest confirmation
Meetings are typically held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
March 9
Guest: SH Town Parks and Rec. Dir. Kristen Doulos, Parks and Rec presentation/Long Beach/Trout Pond
Guest: Meet new Hwy Supt Charles McArdle; Discuss Road/traffic congestion, safety, repairs, sidewalks, etc.
April 13
SHUFSD Budget Presentation
Cornell Cooperative Event at Long Beach (event TBD); Details forthcoming. Plans include native plantings and educational info, a cleanup, a craft, etc.
May 11
SHUFSD BOE Meet the Candidates
Interested in running for the Board of Ed? Visit:
Spring/Summer Fundraiser
Information is being obtained on logistics for holding an NCC neighborhood meet & greet sunset event/fundraiser at Long Beach. If you would like to be a part of planning this exciting event, please contact us!
June 8
CPF Discussion: Department Rep: Lisa Kombrink. We will also invite Bob Deluca of Group for the East End; The Southampton Town Board; and NYS Assemblyman Fred Thiele
NCC Officers Election- June or September? / Committee members solicitation / Run for a position on the NCC Executive Committee
July 13
Protecting Our Water/Health of Our Waters
Guest: Expert on Water Supply/Aquifers ,etc.
NYS & Suffolk County Updates From:
Assemblyman Fred Thiele, Jr.
Suf. Co. Legislator Bridget Flemming
Town Councilman Tommy John Schiavoni
Southampton Town Trustees
Suffolk Co Dept of Health well water testing program
Blue Water Task Force surface waters testing program
August 10
Guest: Police Chief Steven Skrynecki
September 14
Meet the Candidates: Local Offices; part 1
October 12
Meet the Candidates: Local Offices; part 2
November 9
Southampton Trails Preservation presentation
Veterans appreciation night
Nov 18/19/20?
Holiday Dinner Dance? TBD
December 14
Noyac and Sag Harbor History (Guests: Aubrey Peterson and/or SHHS)
Other Meeting Ideas
Natural lawns/landscaping (Peconic Land Trust, Perfect Earth Project, etc.)
Speaker about Morton Wildlife Refuge
Meet the merchants of Noyac
Optimum/Internet/Cell service in Noyac
SAFE in Sag Harbor discussion; MRTA
NCC 70th Anniversary in 2024
Ask Friends and Neighbors to Join the NCC!
NCC’s annual dues are the only funding source for the NCC’s operations and pay for: communications, insurance, professional fees, special projects, fundraising events, advocacy efforts, and unforeseen contingencies.