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Public Hearing FYI: Gas Leaf Blowers

Legislation proposing to limit the use of Gas Leaf Blowers is the subject of an upcoming Public Hearing on February 22 at 6pm. If you wish to participate in a poll concerning this legislation:

Click this link to SUPPORT or copy and paste this link into your browser

Click this link to OPPOSE or copy and paste this link into your browser

The results will be read into the record at the Public Hearing by the Southampton Town Clerk. Additional comments can be emailed to the

Please make reference to 'Feb 22 Gas Leaf Blower public hearing' in the Subject and include your name, address, and phone # in your email in the event we need to reach you.


The precise language is consistent with similar legislation already in place locally, at the Incorporated Villages of Southampton, North Haven, and East Hampton, summarized below and available by clicking this link: Public-Hearing

  • Gas Leaf Blowers can operate September 21 to May 19: 8am - 4pm/ Monday - Friday and 8am - 1pm on Saturday.

  • Gas Leaf Blowers (GLB) are restricted from operating: May 20 to September 20 and on Sundays/year-round and holidays.

Grounded in the 400+ Plan section of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan, this legislation was recommended by the Sustainable Southampton Green Advisory Committee as a result of public pressure, and significant public health and environmental benefit that align with New York State GreenHouse Gas (GHG) reduction targets.

Additional information informing this legislation

  • Noise: can cause permanent hearing damage or other hearing issues such as tinnitus after just 2 hours of hearing a blower’s 65 to 85 decibels at 50 feet away.

  • Public health: “hydrocarbon emissions from a half hour of yard work with the two-stroke leaf blower are about the same as a 3,900-mile drive from Texas to Alaska in a Raptor pickup” (New York Times) Garden-Equipment-Sound_-A-Community-Pilot-Study

  • Solid and Toxic Waste – GLBs also produce thousands of pounds of solid toxic waste and plastics waste yearly in the form of contaminated air and fuel filters, spark plugs, gaskets, and plastic two cycle oil containers that are sent to landfills. Filling gas tanks and mixing two cycle oil often results in spilling toxic liquids, and residual oil from used containers can find their way into water systems and harm local ecosystems.

  • Alignment with New York State Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reduction mandates outlined in the Clean Energy Standard.

Earlier Event: February 9
Meeting: February 9, 2022
Later Event: March 23
March Meeting 2022